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Posts posted by taunmarc88

  1. @5Dublo2 Thank you, I have ordered that little waiting room and the two platform packs so I can have something when I first start off. It will be nice to get an idea of size from them too as I’m waiting for The Eastener set. I’m hoping to see some examples of peoples layouts appear after the Christmas week… I’m sure some are already getting going now they have their sets.

  2. I would be interested to know if anyone has purchased the platform pieces? If so how are they? I’m tempted to buy one pack of straights and ramps with the S&C waiting room just to have something and then use the peco platforms once the track packs arrive as I can’t see how the big S&C Dent station can fit on the Hornby platforms? I seems weird they don’t supply a platform base to fit the station.

  3. Having had a think about it all, I’m leaning into the idea of challenging myself to use the Pacific’s in a more natural habitat. What kind of places might have seen The Eastener Set (William Whitelaw?) and say Trigo running? I did see the A4 in a home video which I think was in Scotland? Could be totally wrong! I am working on a tight budget so I do want to stick quite close to one era and area. I might leave GWR for a future project when money is a bit less scarce and the availability is there.

  4. It’s very true that with a region and era you are somewhat limited which is part of my thinking. It’s a shame that my preferred region would be western as neither LNER set is going to help me there, I’m thinking perhaps they have been sent to help out for some reason?!

    At the moment I’m planning a standard oval layout, fairly small station so it seems whatever I choose will look lost! If it all takes off and I love the loop I may then add a mainline station as a spur off the layout but I think reality means that is unlikely. I’m thinking to wait for the Hagley Station and GWR buildings and then just run any Era 5 locos until then. Once there’s more about I’ll just keep them to use as special guests and I can play with a pannier tank and BR coaches and wagons.

    The more I think about it though, what about a mid nineties heritage railway? Nothing more modern than that and I can still use the GWR stuff. I live near Crowcombe Heathfield, Dunster etc and they are exactly what I like and know. It would allow almost any locomotive but the potential for over buying locos and rolling stock is huge!

  5. Thank you for the replies, it’s great to hear how everyone has a story of why a certain loco or rolling stock might appear somewhere it might not have otherwise been!

    I can’t wait to see what everybody’s layouts end up like considering we will all start at a similar point with only certain products available.

  6. Hi and great to see you getting so involved already! Firstly, don’t get too hung up on following the era and regions pattens as you can run whatever you like.



    Thank you for the reply! I have seen quite a lot of YouTube videos showing odd coach combinations and I always find it fascinating.



    It’s a lot to think about so I’m jotting everything down especially watching YouTube enthusiast films. So many of my preconceptions seem to be wrong and based on Thomas the tank engine from the 90s! It’s so interesting looking back in time and the 60s buildings and vehicles feel more modern so it feels somewhat familiar but old enough to be distant if that makes sense !

  7. Hello all,

    Being born in the late eighties I’m not overly familiar with the era in which I am thinking of modelling. I live not far from the West Somerset Railway so my experience of steam is quite mixed and my teenage layout was a complete mix of eras and regions. Having had a good look at the TT range I think I would like to start with the Easterner set and go with Era 5 BR late crest.

    I have chosen this as I am too young to remember BR blue diesel era myself and my main childhood memories are of heritage steam and HST (swallow livery). I don’t think modelling the 90s would be as aesthetically pleasing as the early 60s.

    I think this would be 1960-61 ish due to the locomotives on offer from Hornby TT. I can then use western region locos (castles and pannier tanks?) when available. I’m also thinking of getting Class A3 Trigo and Duchess of Abercorn as they are also era 5. Looking forward it would be Evening Star.

    My main questions are really, what do I need to be thinking in terms of extra carriages? I will have three maroon from the easterner set. I don’t really understand the differences between Mk1 and 57’ and so I need any? Also could I get away with blood and custard ones for contrast or is that a no no?

    In terms of the crest, would old era 4 style crests be visible in era 5? How awful would it look to have the express blue Falcon involved? I adore the look of it but I’m already on a budget so I don’t want to be getting too caught up buying things just because they are good looking. (Flying Scotsman and HST may have to be purchased for fun already).

    Any advise from era 4/5 modellers is very welcome and sorry if I’ve made loads of mistakes in my knowledge!


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