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47606 Odin

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47606 Odin last won the day on August 6

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  1. Not expecting everything all at once, however, there doesn’t appear to be much in the pipeline drawn up, or to EP levels being shown in progression given how long things take to get to production. I’d be hoping to see by now more reruns announced of renumbered existing releases especially the TTA’s by now, but not even a whisper. I know there is the rumoured VGA’s but other than a statement about them being in the future in the catalogue I can’t find any info on when anything will be forthcoming. Looking at the dates on the few models (not counting locos here) there’s very little coming in the near future, When they are already quoting dates of May next year like I say I’m not expecting the world, but I would of thought there’d be more news by now about things in the pipeline almost ready to go into production
  2. What I find disheartening is the lack of wagons coming through. There needs to be more choice and should be a continuous stream coming through, at least until there’s 6-10 different for each main eras (big 4, BR steam and diesel, and privatised eras) coaching stock is reasonably well covered for the available locos so far, although the lack of blue grey mk1’s is still perplexing
  3. Remember, when Hornby continued to make the Jinty, and other locos of that era, they had their own factory, so if they wanted to top up supply in the field they would just do another run when it suited. However, it’s not so easy nowadays to continuously turn out models even with different numbers. Now you have to book a limited run slot in a factory queue, which could be a long wait for a rerun. We had a single run of TTA’s and then nothing. No idea if or when a rerun of a very popular wagon will be seen
  4. I have received some westhill wagon works detailing things. Excellent, but some of this stuff is tiny!
  5. Cheers Rich, now just have to wait and see how many weeks the postal system will take to get them to me here in Australia
  6. Now I’ll need to buy some drive shafts 🫤
  7. Google routemaster bus or look at the model pictures in this thread. I’m not a bus expert, I just googled
  8. The biggest issue with this bus, is Oxfords picked RM8. This means the grille is totally wrong. RM8’s grille had a straight centre bar, not with the V at the top for the badge. It did however get a standard grille for a short spell towards the end of its service apparently, but not in the livery it is depicted. Oxfords should have picked a standard RM out of the hundreds that there were and the grille would be right
  9. My 50 hasn’t spat a shaft out on R2 curves yet…..but occasionally on starting it clicks and wobbles to match the click but generally suddenly stops and it runs smoothly again. I am assuming this to be the shafts. i was also thinking the pins on the shaft should be 90° out so there’s no time when both ends of the shaft are in line when the bogie is in maximum twist with the slots in the widest point of rotation
  10. They look great, now we could do with someone to produce alternative adverts and route displays transfers for the bus to make them not all the prototype bus
  11. I am sure modern image modellers would but it to go with GB class 50’s, class 66’s GWR HST and the rumoured class 60 and 800 unit. Just need more modern stuff to go around it. With Revolution Trains wagons as well, you could start to have a decent up to date era layout Also the blue and white livery would stand out too. It’s all too modern for me as I’m modelling dreary blue era
  12. 8 chuffs if it’s a lord Nelson. Most other 4 cylinder locos are in opposition so still only 4 chuffs
  13. I keep looking at SEE and thinking I should buy, it but I was sticking to late 70’s, or at least try, but then I bought 040, and thought well, it could be ex works and I go early 80’s, but as we have no idea what rolling stock is in the pipeline I don’t know whether to move up to 1985. There’ll be less early tops wagons potentially ie van wides and former steam era wagons to play with but I’ll get more choices of locos in the nearer future. But it all hinges on whether I buy 007 or not. I guess I could buy 007 and paint it blue as ex refurb 019 Ramillies as I wouldn’t have to repaint the yellow…..decision decisions, but I do like 50040 it does run nicely
  14. my wife now has a train 😁 IMG_6861.mov I’d have preferred a maroon one, but my local (410km away) model shop didn’t have any, so this will do as a support coach…and appropriately it’s still in the kitchen too
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