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Mark the Modeller

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Everything posted by Mark the Modeller

  1. What we need now is for the new 1/72 release to be done in 1/48 along with quite a few other recent releases in the smaller scale. I'd love to see a 1/48 Whitley (both versions).
  2. I would like a lot of the kits being released in 1/72 to come out in 1/48. EG, New tooling Buccaneer, Mitchell, etc. Completely new Hampden, Whitley, Beaufort, etc etc the list could go on and on. And going up to four-engined, , Shackletons, (Revell has beaten you to a new MR3 in 1/72), Halifax, Stirling, and one I'm sure would sell really well, the PB4Y-2 Privateer. You are blowing the trumpet a lot for the 1/24 Hellcat, how about doing the same in 1/48 scale? Mark the Modeller
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