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Everything posted by SD45elect2000

  1. This one has a lot of etched stainless This one has just a few bits Randall
  2. Stainless bends easily, the trick is that you only get one bend so it best be right. I use a lot of PE, I think it has a good purpose. Many of the short run kits have etched parts so if anyone wants to dip their toes into photo etch I suggest a short run kit like MPM or one of the other Czech makers that have small amounts of etch. Randall
  3. I have some Spitfires now! At the suggestion of folks here I am doing the Eagle Squadron. Two Hurricanes were snuck in because I enjoy building them. Randall
  4. Has anyone turned the Airfix 1/72 Mk I Spitfire into the Mk II ? What are the useful changes to the Airfix Mk I? I'm not a Spitfire expert but I believe there are better informed Spitfire scholars here. Randall
  5. I like it, just built one last week, great model for sure . I do have another one someplace. nice job! Randall
  6. Another one done for the night. I need to put the models away as I am out of space in my work room.  Randall
  7. I finished another tonight. I don't know what else I can do with a black airplane. From the photo's I've seen there wasn't a lot of paint chipping. I might pick up an older 1995 Airfix Mosquito this week if I can find one. Randall
  8. Randall, it would be really good to know which kit you're showing. Is it the old 03019 or the new kit? Yes, it's a newer kit, a very good one at that. I didn't know there were older kits, I may need to get some for the collection. So far, I only have these Airfix ones and a group from Tamiya. I really like this kit and that has been true with all of this group of Airfix kits I've built over the last few weeks. My own incompetence has cost me two canopies, certainly not the fault of the kit.Randall
  9. The Swordfish has a etched rigging kit by SBS models. It looks like a nice kit for the Airfix model. I do have it and is so where in the group of kits to build soon. Randall
  10. This is a pretty one. I have three more to do. In the background you can see some of the others I've done so far in this "binge" Ratch, my workbench isn't as chaotic as it was earlier. Randall
  11. The wires I e actually seen on Stearman was surprisingly big. The US planes had an oval section and was not thin little wires. Randall
  12. Hi Ratch, 1/72 scale , the Airfix kit decals were amazing the way they behaved, flattered that you couldn’t tell the scale ! Randall
  13. Here's my take on an Airfix kit. I may need more; I like the kit. Randall
  14. Since I’m building my RAF collection I certainly want to add a Hamden to the mix. Since we are talking RAF light medium bombers I’d like a nice Fairey Battle to go with my Blenheim. I have at least one Wellesley one of the Battles contemporary. As long as I built the nice Airfix Beaufort it would be nice to have a Boston to go with it. Randall
  15. Thanks Dominic, I am having fun with all these Airfix kits, there may be some merit in building my own backdrop for larger planes. I’m building a bunch of large RAF planes now. Randall
  16. Very nice Airfix kit. Now I am hooked on two engine RAF planes, I could use a really nice Hamden. Randall
  17. I really enjoyed building these. Many more to do. Randall
  18. I hope this is close enough. I used a copper color over the silver color then highlighted it with violet and clear red. I tried to leave the cooler areas silver but it is hard to see in photos. The Beaufighter kit calls for black paint, I assume stove black, so I painted a light black over the silver copper finish. we'll see how that photographs. Randall
  19. One down, 15 to go. This is the one that gave me fits with the canopy. I can see I am going to need some bigger or multiple backdrops for the larger aircraft. Randall
  20. I think you are going to need a bigger hanger Randall!!!!!!! Grumpy I think I got it handled. I have enough storage/display space for all the big RAF planes. I'm just getting started I have four Lancaster's to do yet. In addition, I have 4 or 5 Stirling's and the same number of Halifax's. After I broke the canopy for my Blenheim, I bought three more. So yeah, I "think" I have enough space for a while. Randall
  21. I like to have three or four concurrent builds, but that looks scarily disorganised, Randall. Yes, it looks horrible. I made a pile of them for this picture. Usually, they are put away in a roller toolbox and not all piled up like that. I have a few that are nearing completion, I'm waiting for paint for a few others. Randall
  22. Part of my RAF build. How am I doing Rod?
  23. Just got here. I hope it turns out as well as some others I've recently seen here. Randall
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