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  1. I feel your pain, since i've been struggling to find a spare part for my 11004. Airfix can't help. it's just one...stinking....part. And it was missing when the kit was packaged! Grumble grumble grumble. Rant over.
  2. I'm not the most knowlegable about Buccaneers, but Tony Miller who was a Buccaneer mechanic said there was this thing called the "Buccaneer Bite" , which was some sort of injury that could occur to your hands when working in some of the confined places on the plane. i *think* this area was in the region of where those doors were removed. It could be related. I defer to others no doubt know more....
  3. Having just finished up a Roden Super VC10.... and all the hard work that goes into it, i was wondering if an all-new tool Standard VC10 in 1/144 scale has come up for discussion among the Airfix design and marketing staff. The original kit dates back to i think 1964 or so and it's kind of clunky by today's standards. If Airfix is employing a strategy of replacing some of their very old molds with new toolings.... this subject is worth considering. Only 54 VC10s were built in toto, but the Standard VC10s had the broadest selection of paint schemes. For example, BOAC is the obvious one (3, possibly 4 different paint schemes), but British United/ British Caledonian was an operator, as was MEA, Ghana Airways, Nigeria Airways, Air Malawi, Gulf Air... plus the RAE had that rather fetching test aircraft. If Airfix were to re-tool their 1/144th scale airliners this would be a great way to kick things off.... perhaps the only better choice would to re-tool the Comet 4.
  4. Hi everybody, First time posting to the Airfix forum. While this is not my latest and greatest model, given the imminent release of the 48th scale Buccaneer S Mk. 2C, i thought i'd post some pics of its forerunner, the 2019 vintage 72nd scale S. Mk. 2C. Many of you have probably seen it before, but i thought it might provide some inspiration for alternate paint schemes. This model used the Eduard Buccaneer wheels and resin ejection seats from CMK. The intake covers were scratchbuilt, the Pitot Boom came from Master, the decals came from an old Modeldecal sheet, and i replaced the small TAT/SAT probes with new ones made from scratch. I did some carving here and there to backdate the model to the 1965 standard. The two biggest changes were re-contoured and slimmed down the fairing for the ECM installation on the back end of the stabilizer, and i carved away the Mod 1044 fairings installed between the fuselage sides and the inboard inlets. There were a few raised areas here and there which were carved and sanded away here and there but nothing too serious. I did have to "Rob" the smooth, boilerplate free air brake cones from the S. Mk 2B kit in order to correctly backdate the model to 1965 standard. The model was painted with a combination of Mr Base White 1000 primer, Mr Color Gloss White and Extra Dark Sea Grey. The finish was carefully sanded down with 3000, 4000, and 8,000 micromest between coats and the final clear coats were done with GSI-Creos Mr. Super Clear finishes. The national insignia and stencils were sourced from the two Airfix Buccaneer kits and for the most part worked splendidly. I was please that this model won a second place in its category at the 2021 IPMS Nationals in Las Vegas.
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