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What About The Bee

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Everything posted by What About The Bee

  1. From the album: Bee's Random Collection of Images

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  2. Thanks Rana. I find this to be quite invigorating and daunting at the same time. Invigorating, because I have actual bits of kit, dimensions can be measured, the model updated. This will bring me closer to a functional model. Daunting, because I may have to re-engineer some parts of the CAD. One example is the bull gear that the worm gear meshes with. I assumed straight teeth, not enveloped helical teeth. Because the envelopment prevents any lateral compliance, getting Twin Sisters around a 438 mm curve requires the 1st and 3rd axles provide all compliance. Further, the chassis cannot shift when the first and third axles contact it. I assumed straight teeth and point contact. This permits lateral compliance. Enveloped gears do not. I have to re-think that part of the design and modify the CAD. Bee
  3. https://community.hornbyhobbies.com/forums/topic/36317-odd-behavior-resulting-in-multiple-resubmission/?do=findComment&comment=393056
  4. My guess is that upon hitting the save / submit button, the page requests a reload of the page you are on. Then you see your submitted post. But if not on last page, there is a logic fault which presents the reply box all filled in, and since filled in, presents the save/submit button. Just a guess though Bee
  5. I went to "What's on my Workbench" to add a post. I was on page 1, not page 59. It shouldn't matter, or so I thought. I created the post and pressed "save/submit". Instead of showing me my now saved post as usual, it presented me with the "save/submit" button again. So I thought perhaps a bad word or something like that. Nope, so I continued. Pressed save, same result. The issue: if you are not on the last page, it will not show your submitted (past tense) post, rather, it requests that you save / submit again. Which I did. Multiple times before the penny dropped Bee
  6. My Scale Link parts have arrived! Scale Link parts for Swingback Church Pew I decided to explore using brass bearings for the pin point axles, as I was concerned about wear. These have a conical cup to suit the conical point of a pin point axle. The hornblocks will require some change to fit the bearings in. Scale Link parts for Experiment The carriage wheels and axles are supported by brass bearings (bushings). Now that the parts have arrived, critical dimensions can be measured and the model updated to permit it around an R2 438 mm radius turn. Exciting stuff! Scale Link Parts for Twin Sisters Although the model will only use one motor, two are here as well as two of the gear sets. Spare parts are a concept that begins at the beginning. Wheels, axles, crank pins and crank bushes, as well as tiny motor fixing screws have arrived. Twin Sisters also needs to go around an R2 curve. Further, the gear dilemma written about in the thread is now resolved. The gear is considered an enveloped gear set. Lots of parts to measure and install back into CAD. Details will be in the individual threads, rather than here. Updates to come Bee
  7. Yes. Hello Ian and Welcome Aboard. The power controller appears under two names, Marshal II and Hornby II. Identical case and configuration. Late 1950s to 1960s. Bee
  8. Thank you @Rana Temporia. Those data points tell the tale @DavewillRana measures less than ½ ampere. A 1 ampere supply is more than enough. Further, short circuit protection is sized against peak draw. You do not want to dump 2.5 amperes through that little motor before that controller trips. Heavy current will generate lots of heat and melt varnish on the coils. All the magic smoke will be let out. It will not matter if you use it only lightly or sparingly. Human reaction times may not be quick enough to prevent damage, and that is putting it kindly and gently. Bee
  9. Whew! I was beginning to think I had communicated poorly. I was in the process of creating a diagram to clarify what I was relating, and still couldn't see the issue @ntpntpntp Over long term use, those elbows will wear and become unreliable, intermittent. In retrospect, TT points are too new to be at that stage yet. I still defer to you! Ha! 🙂 Bee
  10. I defer to @ntpntpntp I could have sworn that power would still be switched via the blades and relied upon blade contact with the stock rails. The wing rails rely upon power from the blades, and the loop merely improves continuity over the sliding elbow. I stand corrected and accept error Bee
  11. Charlie, at Chadwick, demonstrated a useful technique improving continuity. I cannot put my finger on the episode, he has so many. The technique relies on soldering a small loop of wire between each point blade and the corresponding wing rail. The wire must be a long loop, to permit motion without restriction, and further to that end, multi strand to be flexible. The loops reside in holes in the baseboard, under the point. There is a bit of fettling with the plastic sleepers. The power to the point blades is no longer necessary through the elbow, rather it flows through the loop. If I can find the episode, I will update Bee
  12. Excellent idea @Rana TemporiaOnce forced perspective is accepted, then nearly any gift shop representation of a ruined castle will be fine. Opens up the selection quite a bit. Bee
  13. There is one other very interesting data point, whilst we eagerly await Rana's measurement. Hornby Dublo was roughly from 1938 to 1963, right around the dates of Rovex Princess production. They would have used the commonly accepted OO standard. The Hornby Dublo type 00/1 transformer had output fuses. We discussed these awhile back. There was some uncertainty over the rating, until an image of a box of fuses was found. https://community.hornbyhobbies.com/forums/topic/34978-hornby-dublo-type-001-12v-transformer/?do=findComment&comment=371732 1 amp slow blow fuses. Consistent with the battery analysis. Bee
  14. Hi Dave The GMC-100MO is rated at 2.5 amperes. My assessment is entirely based upon analysis, not first hand experience with a Rovex Princess. Yet, it is a fairly straightforward analysis. The Princess could run with an accumulator, batteries or a transformer. Carefully now, the Princess internals did not change when using any of those sources. As such, the analysis using batteries, provides us with some boundaries that will apply when selecting a power supply. The unit that trips most people up is "Ampere Hours" (Ah). This is related to, but not the same as amperes. With amperes, you are describing a limitless measurement. Draw 1 amp today, tomorrow, next week, next year. It is apparently limitless. Switching to Ah, batteries are not limitless, they have a state of charge, from fully charged (new) to discharged (dead). The 'h' in Ah is used to indicate the limited nature: hours. As in 'how long to flat?' So.... Amperes [for this many] hours. I hope that clears up the unit. And that is how to translate it. Simply divide the Ah by the expected number of hours and you get amperes. The critical question is then, how many hours. I used common sense, as your father did when he selected an accumulator, to pick a number of hours. Somewhere above 10 hours. So I conservatively picked 10 hours. More hours reduces the amperes supplied. Anything less than 10 hours and parents would be plenty upset. I have searched for the logical flaw in this discussion, and this may be the only spot. The number of hours directly affects the solution. I await Rana's measurement. Bee
  15. Some unsolicited suggestions? Mount track in the cubby holes, so the locomotives sit on rail, not on wood. They will look more formally arranged, as the rail will be uniform, cubby hole to cubby hole. They will be less likely to go cliff diving, as the rails will prevent them from sliding towards the edge if bumped. Use the cubby holes that have a vertical stop on both sides. The locomotives on top left and top right terrify me. Voted most likely to go cliff diving. I think that looks very good indeed Francis. Locomotives, even off layout, deserve to be seen Bee
  16. Hi @Davewill Preamble I think the Rovex took two 6V 'lantern' batteries. 6-volt lantern batteries can have different amperage ratings, including 4.5 Ah, 5 Ah, and 11 Ah Ampere hours (Ah) is a unit used to describe the number of amperes the battery can produce over a specific period, with the battery discharged to zero. Two lantern batteries, wired in parallel does not increase the voltage but does increase the ampere hours. Two lantern batteries, wired in series, does double the voltage to 12v, but does not increase the ampere hours. Discussion Rovex trains run on 12 vdc. No adjustment to ampere hour rating. So, for a 10 hour period, from fully charged to flat, a pair of 5 Ah lantern batteries, wired in series, will supply 0.5 amps per hour, for each and every of the 10 hours. This isn't quite perfect, as there will be a voltage drop over time. Even if the 11 Ah lantern batteries are utilized, over a 10 hour period, that is still only 1.1 amps. The amperes delivered halves if you choose a 20 hour discharge period OR doubles if you choose a 5 hour discharge period. You could also drain the batteries in one hour, and deliver a whopping 11 amps. I think 10 or 20 hour period selection is quite a reasonable and practical selection, but your mileage may vary. Further, the 5 Ah lantern battery the one used. Conclusion I would avoid the 2.5 ampere power supply, unless you intend to let all the magic smoke escape (burn the motor out). The 1 ampere supply is plenty Bee
  17. I am pleased that following recommended practices has resolved a nagging issue. Good on ya! Have fun! You really should have a careful look at that front bogie, as many others have recommended. Bee
  18. "No plan survives contact with the enemy" - Helmut von Moltke. Apparently the only person born in the 1700s to have his voice recorded. https://youtu.be/1BBkFacaBHY?si=DPXDdQm2Jj911AlS Hi Dukedog I absolutely second NTP's recommendation. "Chance favors the prepared mind" - Louis Pasteur Get the plan right. Make sure everything is just so, on paper. The wiring, the kit, everything. Have a complete and accurate track plan. And then trial it. Bee
  19. At your recommendation, I did. Wow! The bespoke track work into the station was simply .... well, for once, I may be at a loss for words [ 😁 Hilarious, I know! ] I frankly think their naivete about terminology charming. Terminology can be learned. Their enthusiasm seems genuine. They earned my subscription. Thank you for sharing Bee
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