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  1. The 50 and 66 look really good. I’d originally pre ordered the 66 in large BR logo but changed it to the red DB as my little boy keeps spotting the 66 in DB red when we pass Dollands Moor so the idea of picking an era is out of the window! It’s going to be a real mixed bag!
  2. Yea, I’m going with ‘slow and steady wins the race’ coupled with a lot of travel for work and a wife that thinks a dining table should be used for dining, not trains. Slightly unreasonable if you ask me 😂 Plus this is my first time doing this so I’m doing lots of learning, reading and understanding but you can’t beat just getting things done. I’ve managed point wiring (as a test) which I thought would be difficult and the satisfaction of that working was great!
  3. That wasn’t meant to sound billy big potatoes. Just that you’d think someone would want to own it and really step forward as a time to shine.
  4. I’m product manager for a large Swedish industrial company but we basically have a rule that if you want to launch something, you as the product manager own it, deliver it, present it, take the questions on it (and sometimes when it goes wrong, take the flak for it 🤣). If I was brand manager for TT:120, I’d be all over it like a rash, especially right now as there is so much interest/focus. but then I love a camera/tv studio/microphone/photo shoot - basically anything 😂
  5. It’s been a while but I’ve been making some progress and trying to integrate the very helpful suggestions. Underboard wired and the shunting area now updated with crossover added to allow run around and into the engine shed that will go there. and there may have been some class 43 running that took place just to test ☺️ Next job will be to glue track. I’ve taken it all back off as I like to work in sections and with a method. Don’t know if it’s the best way or not.
  6. I’ve not seen the YT announcement as in a meeting at work but did click on the link on the X post and excitedly saw containers and level crossing. Maybe I should concentrate on the meeting and not preordering…..🤣
  7. Thanks @Skelton Junction and @Rallymatt for the ideas too. Now got me playing with the plan again 🤣I think I understand what you both mean but I’ll map it out and share on here later. originally I wanted to elevate the section leading to terminus station but decided that might be beyond my skill set for a first layout. In my head I wanted bridges, tunnels, level crossings etc.
  8. Thanks Hobby, it’s why I needed some other eyes on it as I’d not even thought of that.
  9. Delivery of the HST prompted me to get my rear end in gear and start laying out track based on my Anyrail plans. Actually a therapeutic process and when you see it in real life, you can visualise changes better. Like for example realising that only one set of turnouts on the loops meant once you changed track, you couldn’t get back. Plan is for the S&C station with bridge on the far left before turnouts. Engine shed on the sidings and then want a terminus style station on the right end. The radius 1 curves are redundant unless buy another turnout. And may need two more straights. Now for tackling wiring which is scaring me and not scaring me in equal measure.
  10. Running in now. Made me finally sort all of this and make progress. The sound is just 😍
  11. I don't get why people are negative towards it. TT:120 has got me into the hobby. Without it, I probably wouldn't have bothered but it's made it accessible and possible for me. Think they miss that. When I was in the shop at Margate a couple of weeks ago, a young teenager bought The Scotsman set to start off in the hobby too and there was a lot of people looking at TT and talking about it.
  12. That looks really good. What's the black foam material that you've used? Asking as I've made my baseboard and now have to start progress!
  13. My class 43 has been despatched and the mk3’s have moved to pending and had the email saying pre order arrived. Now just need to start laying track…..
  14. I’ve got this on pre order too but I’m confused about which decoders I need to order for it as there seems to be two types? Which ones did you go for?
  15. My Scotsman digital set turned up today. Not done anything other than open it up and have a brief look so far but looks good. Prompted me to finally (almost) finish planning on anyrail. now to buy plywood and timber for baseboard building! Oh and might unbox and run in tomorrow. Hopefully!
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