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  1. Hello to all! How about T12 tank wagons? The new "BP" and "Bensol" models in today's Hornby presentation on YT are described as era 2/3, while the designation on the website www.hornby.com directly indicates era 4... British railways are still not fully known to me but the division into modeling eras on the continent is much more clear and consistent... Era 2/3 (potentially, therefore, era 2) and era 4 are a dramatic difference! the markings on the new models resemble earlier T12 tank models in TT (so era 2/3) but maybe I'm wrong? Can the red frame of a wagon for transporting hazardous substances be a determinant of era 4?
  2. KRES is a well known German manufacturer of TT models. Since many years thej produce mainly models of diesel/electric railway cars and multiple units as well ad different typs of double stock coaches of GDR origin. All of them represent mainly DRG, DR or DB railway stock. I have some of their models and I can fully recommend them as a premium products. KRES models have good quality, high level of details and perfect lettering. Very often electronic parts are very refine due to the fact that KRES is also activ in the field of electronic parts.
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