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  1. This is just as true in reality. As a ten-year-old child, I was once allowed to drive a real driving school tram 🤩. Of course, I had to drive over the point at full speed. The driving instructor and all the adults present were very frightened by the loud rumbling😅. The tram stayed on track, however. But I had to vacate the driver's seat 😭. So yes, high speed is more fun for children than adults.
  2. Yes, tearing out the walls between the rooms requires the housekeeper's approval 😜 . But then there will be enough space for all kinds of model railway themes, from the main station to the countryside and the harbor 🤩.
  3. I agree. These boxes are ideal for transport. That's why I keep all my boxes stacked in Euro boxes, even when I put the locomotives and wagons in display cases. I would be uncomfortable cramming my trains into a single box. You never know when you might have to move.
  4. May I ask which store exactly you got them from?
  5. I hope Hornby has produced enough of them; they are also eagerly awaited in continental Europe 🤣. The first ones sold out too quickly, I only got one DHL wagon.
  6. Unfortunately, I had already pre-ordered them from an online store over a year ago, when they were still under the Arnold brand. Now I have to be patient, as the pre-order is much cheaper than the current price.
  7. There is also a bundle with 5 coaches, the GWR HST Bundle. The bundles came too late for me, otherwise the HST Executive bundle might have been worth it. It would still be one carriage too many, but it would have been cheaper, apart from the extra tracks, which I would have passed on to my youngest niece. As this is not my first layout, I fortunately thought of a convincing city station with a platform length of 1.60 m.
  8. The same here. I couldn't resist - Montrose digital. I also ordered a required point at the same time. The code can also be found on the main page.
  9. Ok, that's not normal, check the locomotive based on Rallymatt's hint.
  10. I tried out the locomotives in my display cases. Yes, the coupling is strong, but not stronger than the other locomotive couplings from Hornby, Arnold, MTB, Tillig, Roco and Piko. It's well within the average range. What radii are we talking about? Is it perhaps an S-curve? In that case, we have more of a general problem.
  11. I should check my brain, I read cock roaches.
  12. Yes, ask her if she can't make homemade ice cream or soflets, that will stop her from sitting with you and keep her busy for a few hours.
  13. Take a chair outside and say you want to enjoy the last of the summer sun.
  14. Tim Allen still can mix it. But not this way:
  15. Even if you have sponsors, if you can contribute something to the topic of TT120, I would be happy to take a look at them. If only to help the TT track size become more widely known. Many drops fill a lake. Without drops there would be no rain and therefore no inland waters. I myself started watching YouTube when Hornby posted their first videos about TT120 on the internet. And that's pretty much the only topic that I watch consistently on YouTube. Accordingly, the nomination of TT120 Youtubers for the Hornby Magazine Industry Awards would greatly contribute to the awareness of TT120.
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