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  1. With the rise of e-commerce and niche communities, there's still a demand, but you need to find the right platforms and strategies to tap into it. I do think targeted advertising could be key here. I've been dealing with ads for a few companies recently, and it's all about finding your audience. I use a tool called Adspy to see what kind of campaigns my competitors are running. It's pretty enlightening to see the strategies they implement, and it's been helpful to inspire my own campaigns. This might help you with your sales!
  2. Sadly, I didn't inherit any models, but I love seeing all these photos, they are amazing!
  3. I like the idea of them. However, I don't think I will get them.
  4. If you could give me some examples of the tea you love, I can tell you if you'll like it a lot. Tea preferences are very wide. I liked it but I can't recommend something like this if I don't know your tastes.
  5. I can't wait to see what will change since they needed to close the whole store. I am sure it should be something massive.
  6. Usually, I hear things like "good job", "I like your work". However, people tend to be very critical and that's hard sometimes. Especially if you worked weeks or even months on a project.
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