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Andy Stewart

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Everything posted by Andy Stewart

  1. I'm using Peco points and flexy track, with slow action point motors. Which means taking the spring out, but i noticed once the spring has been removed, the tie bar can come loose as the spring helps hold it in place. I added a small drop of super glue to help, but was never very happy , as in time they work loose. So ive been playing around with a spare point removing the plastic tie bar, and making one out of copper clad sleeper, all works and far more robust. So if any do work loose , they will be replaced. So just a heads up for anyone, who operate without the springs.
  2. mine are due this afternoon too, dpd on a saturday, cant remember ever having a sat delivery before. Hornby special.
  3. Had thought about electro, tbh i couldn't be bothered with the hassle. I wont be doing much in the way of shunting, the layout is more of watching long rakes going past, but iv'e added some uncoupling points , that i can play around with.
  4. Short video of testing the Dapol easy shunt, and Dapol magnets
  5. Have been busy adding ballast and some weathering, added some easy shut magnets while i was at it. They are not that bad once you hide them, i spent ages with a piece of test track i use for all sorts, with different types and size or magnets, and in the end i found Dapol own ones worked the best with their easy shunt couplings, i will upload a video i done in a day or so.
  6. Its a steam free layout , so i think the 08 will be the only issue i may have. Hoping to check tomorrow, as have been wiring all day, so fingers crossed i should be able to test tomorrow. Not all the boards are this bad.
  7. Steam free zone for me, but good point with the 08, im waiting on the 50 to turn up to just double check everything before they are fixed into place
  8. Middle 3 boards, all the track has been laid, you can see part of the fiddle yard. Just finished making the station platforms, and trying for size.
  9. Track plan , the storage sidings behind the backscene do meet up to complete the loop, just ran out of placement on anyrail
  10. its 3ft by 16 ft, i will get a track plan out as well.
  11. Seeing all these new threads on layouts people are starting, i thought i would start to post my progress. Having mostly been an O gauge modeller, but i wanted to watch trains go round for a change. So was in the planning stage to make my version of Gravesend station in the early 80's, i spent an awful lot of time going to the Medway towns via Gravesend station in my teenage years, in N gauge. But when i see the launch of TT120,i though o yes, this is perfect. The layout is made up of 5 boards, 36 inches by 39 inches, so 3ft by just over 16ft. Iv'e got a few pictures that i have taken at various stages, so i will post them as and when, the first pictures are from last year, it shows the front where the station will be, where the tools are will be the storage yards. Layout is 3’ x 16’.
  12. Iv'e just purchased the last 10.39, i bet he is scratching his head wondering whats going on.
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