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Jillian -361425

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  1. I make use of some discarded household tools such as cartons, cardstock or discarded boxes to make a toolbox with many compartments for easy organisation. I also use Plastic storage bins with lids to store items like paints, glue, and spare parts. This will keep them organized and easy to find, while also protecting them from dust and other debris. Another choice is Magnetic strips that can be useful for storing metal tools like scissors and tweezers. You can attach them to the edge of your desk or even on a nearby wall. If you're short on desk space, consider installing some wall-mounted shelves to store your supplies. This can also help keep items within reach but off your workspace. You can learn others methods here: You can refer to many methods here: https://www.homeedmag.com/
  2. The plastic used in Airfix kits is usually polystyrene, which is a commonly recyclable plastic type. However, the recycling facilities available in your area may have specific requirements for plastic recycling, so it's best to check with your local recycling center to see if they accept polystyrene plastic. It's worth noting that even if you don't keep the leftover parts or sprue, it's still a good idea to dispose of them responsibly. Improperly discarded plastic can harm the environment and wildlife and it can be used for later or for something else.
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