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  1. Cheers dBerriff, think i might practice on apiece of old 00gauge track i got lying g around and see how that goes. failing that i ll probably stick to fish plate connections pre wired. Again thanks to all for advice and knowledge about something i know little about, im going get started practising on the old track a few times.
  2. Cheers dBerriff, think i might practice on apiece of old 00gauge track i got lying g around and see how that goes. failing that i ll probably stick to fish plate connections pre wired.
  3. I'm very dubious at using a soldering iron on rails for fear of making a mess and hence wasting money. Is it really that hard to do as id like to at least give soldering to rails a go if it gives better electrical continuity.
  4. thanks for reply.as for the grass matt, I'm still experimenting with the layout and once I'm happy with it i will be using a cork underlay and ballasting. I don't wont to start gluing/ballasting tacking down if there are issue's ,once its working right i will start to make it a permanent fixture.
  5. sorry looks like the pics didnt load i,ll try again!!
  6. hi there,just a quick update (with pics) on a change to the curve on my layout as the previous curve was causing probs with the loco derailing.Following BEE,S advice about curves and having straight pieces before a curve i have altered the approach (with the space i,ve got) to accommodate a couple of straights, and so far i've not had a single derailment yet. brilliant! I can start to concentrate on other parts of the layout at last.On a different note i wanted to know if this POWER FEED JOINERS from hornby for tt120 gauge are genuine or fake. i've only seen them on on E-BAY, there not even listed on the hornby site which has got me thinking if there real or fakes. do Power feed joiners even exist for tt120? thanks if anyone can clear it up for us before i take a chance and order. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204821481846?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338268676&toolid=10044&customid=EAIaIQobChMI0LOBueLOhwMVsJtQBh1dBikhEAQYBCABEgIwG_D_BwE
  7. thanks atom, ive first tried BEE,S suggestion of changing the back to back opposite turns. it might be to early to say! but so far it has gone round 15 times without one derailment even at a faster speed. still a big learning curve for me though this world, but i'm liking it.
  8. thanks GOING SPARE, but as im a bit clueless when it comes to talking/texting etc on forums, how do i in future make sure it goes in the sub forums that you are mentioning.
  9. thanks for reply bee, i will try a different approach with the track , see if that works. again thanks to all for replies, im away tommorrow, but will try give an update at some point over the weekend
  10. cheers colin i will try that.
  11. HI again, Didn t think I'd be posting again on the forum so soon,.so here's the issue I'm having. Having purchased the SCOTSMAN set I'm going about expanding the basic loop to cover what space i've got. you'll see from the pics ive expanded the basic oval shape to fit my layout shape. the train (the scotsman) runs fine apart from the left curve turn at which point it sometimes but quite often derails at the same point every time. I've checked that all the track is connected correctly which it is , i've also tried a combination of different size track i.e half curves full curves etc, and even tried different size radius curves all seem to make no difference. All the track and points are Hornby the base board is flat and even at slow speeds the train still quite often derails at that left hand curve. At the moment I'm using radius 4 plus a straight piece to achieve trying to make the return again any help/advice gratefully appreciated.
  12. Cheers again, to everyone for the help and advice, all this choice! decision time now.
  13. can can i buy any multimeter, or do i need a specific one for model railways ? looking on AMAZON and am gobsmacked how many different ones are for sale. if anyone can recommend a certain one within a £20 budget id appreciate it.
  14. again for your time and advice on this, gonna order that multi meter as soon as. cheers bob
  15. thanks for the advice bee, gotta hell of a lot to learn!
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