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Posts posted by Ratch

  1.  Thanks. The 1942 tank was from a Type 5 box which had been crushed and took a bit of repair, whereas the Type 16 1943 finish was a cracking build, nice fit, definately not a worn out mould. Maybe dated (because of when it was tooled), but still a nice kit to build.

  2. Commanding officer’s tank of No.3 Squadron, No.1 Tank Division, Malaya, 1942.






    5th Company, 17th Tank Regiment, 1943.





  3.  You should look at your consumer rights. Your contract is with the vendor who should exchange your kit for one that is complete. If you lost the part it is your responsibility. Airfix Spares have always helped me in my times of need (unlike some other manufacturers), and I think they do a splendid job.

  4.  I think a re-tooling to the later configuration is in order.

    When commissioned in January 1939, Scharnhorst didn't carry Arado Ar 196A-3's as they weren't yet in production and she carried Heinkel He 114's. At some point in mid-to-late 1939 they were replaced with Arado Ar 196A-3s.  Around the same time (July-August 1939) she had her bluff bow replaced by a longer "Atlantic" bow.  So, as the Airfix kit has the bluff bow, then you can assume that the planes are supposed to be He114's. So, should you wish to model her at the Battle of North Cape you should alter the bow, change the aircraft and make other changes too.


                                              I bought this kit from e-bay and the end of the box was damaged. Assembly instructions are in 17 stages. All the light grey mouldings appear to be present and are detailed to the usual standard for this scale. The bow depicts her in the 1939 time frame, as do her two He 144 floatplanes.


                I began by painting both of the Heinkel He 114’s supplied with the ship. I proceeded with the sequenced subassemblies and where necessary flash and seams were sanded smooth. I decided it would be prudent to give all the components a coat of grey; at least the parts that might later become inaccessible will have been painted. The hull required careful manipulation and pressure to reduce the possibility of gapping. Although it was probably unnecessary, I reinforced the hull seam with filler.

    Sanding down the filler revealed a bit of a disaster. The seam of the hull separated amidships and needed fixing. For this I liberally brushed liquid poly along the inner seam then sanded again.

    I am frustrated and annoyed to find that one of the single gun turrets that I made up yesterday has become lost! Also one of the rudders is missing, although this may not have been present from the start and will be easy enough to scratch-build. Tamiya masking tape was used to define the boot topping. Much of the paintwork was retouched. One of the pins for holding a turret had been lost, so I made another from sprue, whilst another snapped when I dry fitted it; this one was simply glued in position. Inserting the decks into the hull required some manipulation to widen the sides. This resulted in the stern splitting apart and rectification using elastic bands to maintain pressure while the glue set.

    My replacement rudder made a convincing substitution. I made a replacement for the lost single-gun turret from Plastikard and sprue. Whilst assembling stage 11, I discovered one of the ship’s boats was missing. Encouraged by my effort with the gun, I attempted to reconstruct a boat using Plastikard. I began by cementing two pieces of 0.04 and one of 0.01 together, from this block I would fashion a hull. To this I added pieces of 0.01 to simulate the prow, engine, windscreen and deck sides, and then the whole thing was painted. The result is a satisfactory replacement to my liking. Again assembly progressed but three further components were found to be missing. A strip of flat, sanded sprue replaced a missing aircraft-launching ramp. A missing searchlight was substituted by a cylindrical piece of sprue, trimmed and suitably painted. The most significant missing part was number 121, a part of the forward superstructure supporting a radar beacon. This was reconstructed to the best of my ability from Plastikard.

    With construction and assembly finally complete, I made final touch-ups to the paintwork. These included the painting of the crests on the bows and the Eagle on the stern. I considered adding aerials using invisible thread, but quickly dispelled the idea. The final touch was to add the flags. I used kitchen foil, painted with white acrylic, and then marked with Pilot Grip pens. These were CA glued to the staffs and slightly crumpled.

  5.  Completed in Engineering Dept livery










    As an aside, something occurred to me. Aircraft modellers might well buy two or even more of the same aircraft, maybe to make different marked versions - whatever, really (though personally, although I have in the past, I don't generally make two of the same plane). Would ship modellers make two or three of the same ship, or would you just buy the one kit? Because that might well be another consideration. Once you've bought the ship, is anyone likely to buy a second or even third in the same way an aicraft modeller might with planes?


    I will say again; I hope that ship and vehicle modellers will be catered for, but I honestly think that these things also have to be approached realistically.


    I have at least two of each 1/600 WW2 ship. One for full hull and one to waterline, I have 4 HMS Suffolks to convert to other County Class Cruisers, so yes, some of us do buy and build multiples.

  7. I don't buy from other manufacturers because they don't make 600 scale ships. I have at least two of each of Airfix's WW2 warships (4 Bismarcks). I've just shelled out £60 for the Victor and would happily make a similar investment in a state-of-the-art 600th Capital Ship. There are many RN subjects waiting to be kitted.

  8. The market exists; Airfix has ignored it.

    I'm afraid Airfix abandonned ship back in the mid 80s. The Heller 1/400 reboxings were a turgid toe in the water, and the 1/350 range of 3 was a poor attempt. Quite why they gave up on their traditional and unique 1/600 scale is a mystery. Has the boat long gone? Well no-one else has stepped into 600th with a vengeance. Airfix could reclaim the market with four or five strategic kits that would virtually guarantee a good return and help finance a resurgance of the range. But you don't get anywhere without that first step...

  9. I've crudely scratchbuilt a stove and the brake handle



    I decided to use Humbrol Acrylic 160 German Camouflage Red Brown for the floorboards and had this happen


    Disregard the white and maroon, they'll do for what I want. I often hear folks cry that their paint won't adhere to the plastic, that the paint is expelled by the plastic. That's exactly what appears to be happening here. With quick drying acrylic paints it takes not long and just a few coats to cover - a second coat.


    Not quite right yet, but an improvement, so a third coat


    Much better coverage, adequate for my job.



  10. I've decided to build this Brake Van...


    but the sharp-eyed amongst you will have noticed that there are no wheels and one end of the compartment is missing. I had to get some replacement wheels from the railway section of the Model Shop and scratch-build the panel.




    Attempting to copy the end panel in 40 thou Plastikard



    The missing vacuum cylinder replaced with shaped runner


    The replacement Hornby wheels run sweetly


    I've decided to scratch a (very basic) interior



    Vallejo Model Color 1 70951 White


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