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Posts posted by Ratch

  1. http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24741738/412940043.jpg











  2. Hi Ratch,

    "While waiting to get it fixed I bought a cheap Chinese clone brush for £18, this works just as well as the Iwata"

    So what is the name of the chinese clone and are they still available ?.


    Hi Pete, the thing about clones is they don't have names (or they would be sued). I picked up the £18 one at Cosford Model Show a few years ago. My LHS had similar ones for £30. You sometimes see them on e-bay. If you're close to Telford, its the biggest model show in the country next weekend with hundreds of traders. It may be your best bet of finding something.

  3.  Maybe the Airfix strategy should be to treat 1/600 as the entry level, re-issuing selected kits on a regular basis while rotating the pool of kits and possibly re-tooling old reliable subjects with more acurate kits. 1/350 would become the greater skill level for advanced modellers. In 1/600 I'd like to see newly tooled Bismarck & Tirpitz kits and I wouldn't be surprised to see the new Queen Elizabeth class in 1/350. There are other 1/600 ships I'd like to see, but being realistic, it will be a long road to fully re-establish the genre given the lack of new toolings since the 1980s.

    On the sailing ship front, I'm surprised that there hasn't been a Mary Rose in a larger scale yet. Airfix must have done some research when they made the 1/400 kit. I'd have thought a large scale kit would be an excellent addition to their Classic Ships range.

  4.  I built mine as W4097 DZ-N No. 151 Squadron, R.A.F. Wittering, 1943.http://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639295.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639289.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639292.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639291.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639290.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639288.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639284.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639287.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639293.jpghttp://pic100.picturetrail.com/VOL761/13303934/24502935/408639294.jpg


  5. The answer to which is, where are the Type 45 Destroyer and Trafalgar Class sub? New tooling in the "right" scale (1/350), the Type 45 was a "much requested item" and yet has been withdrawn just four years after it was released.If there was such an "untapped market" out there, they'd still be in production. They're not.Why are they not in the range any more?

    Jon, Airfix seem to release product for 3-4 years then withdraw it (apart from the staple diet). This includes aircraft kits and appears to be their strategy. Its not a Ship thing, but consistent with the entire range.

  6.  Before Prinz Eugen was recently reissued, it regularly went for £40 on ebay. I paid £39 for mine, then picked up a second for £8 at a model show and just last week bought a third for £16. One has already been built and the other two will be built too, one waterlined and the other in a variant scheme to my already completed one. So you can buy multiple warships to build just as easily as aircraft.

  7.  Large scale ships are fine, but how many do individuals buy (let alone build)? I've built the 1/350 Lusty (for Airfix) and have the Daring in my stash. I've built almost all of the 1/600 WW2 warships and have many still in my stash - I like to build one full hull and one waterlined, and I have conversion plans for others. I can't see folks buying multiple kits of the same subject in 350th (for display space only).

     I don't understand why Airfix would abandon 600 scale. The longevity of Bismarck, Belfast and Ark Royal in the range illustrates that these do sell - maybe not in 1/72 aircraft quantities - but at a steadier rate. If Airfix wanted to revitalise Bismarck sales they might think about re-issuing Tirpitz (not issued since 1983). A new Dreadnought in 600 would be a superb tester!

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