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Problem with updating Elite


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I have been unsuccessful in updating my Elite, even following Ralphy5's explicit instructions, and running the update file as administrator. I have tried both updates, i.e. V1.42 and V1.43, (I see they are both listed as “Bootloader”), most times I get “Error In Elite Comm”, very occasionally it states “downloading” but the bar beside the number showing the PC type selected just flashes and no download bar indication. I have tried both 1 and 2 for the PC type. In Device Manager, Ports show RIM Virtual Serial Port v2 (com 4), I presume this is for connecting my Blackberry Playbook. On connecting my Elite, it also shows USB Serial port COM1). I can't see the problem, any advice would be appreciated. Incidentally, the Elite STOP button seems to have 3 settings, press the top section, one click, press the bottom section, one click, press the centre, first one click, then further pressure another click. Is this normal? Thanks.

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If upon connecting your Elite it shows in DM as being on Com port 1 then that is the port to pick when doing the update.


The Stop button has two settings pressed or not pressed. The extra clicks you are feeling are False, just the button selecting on and off.


When setting up for the update ensure you hold the stop button before and during powering the Elite up, then wait 15-20 seconds before releasing it, then wait again before plugging in the USB, then wait again before executing the update file.


if you get an error then you have to go back to square one.

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Try my explicit instructions instead.




Fifth post up from the bottom. Please follow the steps exactly as written.


If it states "Error In Elite Comm” then you are not putting the Elite into update mode correctly. Follow the steps in my linked post to the letter to enter the update mode correctly.

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Thanks both for your replies. 

RAF Perhaps I haven't been waiting long enough between each step. Otherwise, I think I have followed your instructions properly.

Chrissaff  I have bookmarked the instructions you have given, also downloaded the latest update zip files you refer to. I'll give your instructions another try, see how it goes.

Thanks both. 

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Still no success. Thought it might be the USB cable, but tried a new one from my unused Elink pack, still no go.I've seen reference to HP computers causing trouble to this update, any truth in this? Mine is a G62 laptop, Windows 10, about 3 years old...I've followed your instructions explicitly, waiting about 30 seconds between each step, still getting Error in Elite Comm. Have tried all three USB ports, 2 are USB2 the other USB3.Can't think what else to try,... some of us haven't got a lot more time to waste in this way!

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Does your system have the .NET framework installed... particularly v4.0?

If not this has been known to solve this state in the past by installing it. This is available usually as updates to Windows anyway but it is worth checking to see if it is there on your system. It won't do any harm even reinstalling it over the top of the original.

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Both my PCs are HPs running Win10 updated from Win7 to Win 8 and 8.1. Never ever been any good at updating the Elite until the new Elite updater came out, now they never fail.


When the Elite is ready in Update configuration it will look dead, nothing on the screen, but it will show it is connected in DM. Are you sure you are pulling down the correct ComPort in the updater that is shown in DM when you are swapping USB connections as the port number changes according to where the cable is plugged in.


PC type 2 should do the job and any old printer cable usually works - at least in my house as I don't have any special cables.


Just a thought - try resetting the Elite before you try again - Menu - Unit - Reset - Confirm. Let it finish the reset then turn it off and set it into update configuration again and give it another go.



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Thanks both.

RAF I had thought of a reset, but my screen is blank, pressing Menu or any other button has no effect, just dead. I have always checked which Com port I'm connected to, they vary depending which USB socket I'm trying.

AC  Not sure what .NET is. Think my updates are up to date, but how do I check for this?



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The simplest way to find if you have the framework installed is to go to your Windows directory, look for Microsoft.NET folder and then within that two folders named: Framework and Framework64 and check inside those.

You may see one or more of the following:


Framework folder only... (32bit)





In both the Framework and Framework64 folders... (the latter is 64bit)







These are folders themselves containing the required files for each version. The latest version above for v4 is v4.0.30319.

If none is listed or the folder (Microsoft.NET) does not exist then the framework is not installed.

If you do not see that in your list then search online for it using .net framework v4 and many links present themselves. Try and get it from Microsoft themselves rather than a third party and you'll be guaranteed it hasn't been altered in any way.


In its simplest form of explanation it is a framework of library files which uses code that speaks to other language files from differing code and allows hardware to communicate at several levels like mobiles, tablets and much more.

Some programs require its installation for only a small part of a program to work and others require it absolutely.

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Just in case it will help. What AC has described should look like this in Windows 7 Explorer: My .NET environment is fully patched to latest current level.




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Locate the little yellow folder called 'Explorer' at the lower left of your screen on the Taskbar and double click it to open.

Find Local Disk (C:) in the left pane of the open window and single click to open its content to show in the right hand pane.

Double click Windows then double click Windows.NET.

This is where you will find the files I outlined abopve and where Chris has also kindly shown the files in a tree format.

Hope this helps...

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PI'd der, just to say the forums are currently running at 100% in helping people update their Elites, so you failing is not an option.  Just 3 things needed for success, all mentioned above - checking DM to ensure you are on the correct com port, using all the correct delays starting up to get into Update mode, and following Chris' s detailed instructions at his link.  Plus AC's netframe advice.  And just because it is non-operational after a fail, doesn't affect doing it successfully at a subsequent attempt.


You will get there.

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Quite right RAF... I blame the brain for not being wide awake when someone is in need...

Dashed awful of one I must say. However, I did get it right in my post above that one with the error...

...duly noted and more care to be taken next time... off to the back of the class for a huge pointy hat!


Now, trying to discover how I could make an error like that... hmmmm.

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I have found Microsoft.NET  Framework  v4.0.30319,  I presume I don't have to actually do anything with it?

Even so, trying all afternoon, just continually get Error in Elite Comm. I have tried 30 second waits between each step, still no go. I'm losing the will....

Apologies for wasting your time...


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You now don't need to worry about the .NET framework. I always thought it was a long shot anyway as it is basically installed and updated automatically.

I don't think you need to worry about wasting member's time either... all members on here are willing to help and some have that extra expertise which goes a long way to aid others to have the use of a working model railway.

Personally, it is what keeps the mind and brain ticking over when folk like yourself have issues and they need solving. So don't give up... a solution may just be around the corner. I haven't used the Elite for a couple of years now as I use the eLink but that doesn't mean the issue cannot be resolved with a little work. My own unit may even need to be updated so a little detective work there may find something later when I give it a whirl.

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Michael (mcrook62),

The error you have described is what you get if you don't correctly put the Elite into firmware update mode.


Review my detailed step by step instructions (5th reply up from the bottom) posted in this previous reply:




The instructions in the post above, assume that you are a RailMaster (RM) user and therefore already have the Elite driver installed. If you do not use RM and have not yet installed the Elite driver. Then follow the step by step guide for installing the Elite driver on Win7, 8x & 10 that I posted in this previous post below (3rd reply down from the top):




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