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Ho 2 buildings

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At 1:87 scale  the HO items will look obviously too large in a 1:120 environment.   Underscale (such as British N at 1:148) works better as you can place them in the background as a "forced perspective"

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Depending on the building kit, some kits from continental manufactures are slightly smaller in H0 than they should be. This is usually the case with kits based on older models.

Manufacturers like Faller used to design trackside buildings in correct H0 scale because they are next to the models. Buildings that are further away were made in slightly smaller scale closer to TT. This was done to save space on the home layout.

Most manufacturers provide measurements of the buildings so you can try it out before buying.

The German manufacturer Auhagen has a huge selection of TT buildings, and they have a H0/TT section with buildings fitting the category mentioned above. This is great, because it lets you know exactly which are TT scale and which are "approx. TT scale".

Of course, most of these buildings will require some changes to make them look like UK buildings, if at all possible, but the majority of the accessories works for every country (a chair is a chair, a table is a table etc.).

Also keep in mind that many items do not actually have a scale:

  • Statues
  • Wall lamps and some lamp posts
  • Fountains
  • Trees and bushes
  • Concrete slabs
  • and many more

You can find a lot of usable accessories in the H0 and N selection from the different manufacturers. Some manufacturers like Noch mark their models as "N, TT and H0" if they are suitable for more than one scale.

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Just to add to HST Mainline's post above as background information, the early "H0" stuff from Faller, Vero and others, from the 60s to the early 70s, was actually nearer 1:100 scale, the current Auhagen TT/H0 range dates from that time and was sold back then as "Vero", Auhagen actually say they are 1:100 on their website. As such they could be used (carefully) on some TT layouts, buildings such as Factories, for instance, come in different sizes, but they are more useful for background models in H0 in my experience. Other than Auhagen, who actually tell you, it's pot luck with the others who still sell the stuff as H0!

I'd agree that "normal/proper" H0 scale stuff will be too large, same as N (1:160) is too small except for use as "forced perspective", some people do use both, though, but it's not for me. There's enough true TT stuff around now not to have to compromise.

Edited by Hobby1707822967
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