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Casey Jr.


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  Hi all

They could not get the Railway childeren set ,Titfield Thunderbolt or Hogwarts Express sets right.

The effort was not made for what ever reason, unless they make the same effort on the film trains as they do on the real ones they are never going to sell beyond the movie mania.

I am still wild the Hogwarts loco was wrong when that was so easy to get right.

What they did to the thunderbolt was just plain wrong it was not even the right rollingstock and they had the wrong loco for the train in the box.

As for the railway chideren set  the answer is D all of the above

The blue box mob got this one right and I still picked up a brand new loco, two brake coaches and coach from broken up set's at knock down prices station was to heavy or I would have grabbed one of those as well.

Loco crew for the Hogwarts express easy standard loco crew given a purple uniform thats what I did.

Figures for the special sets would be nice.

But when a 16mm tall not counting top hat scale sized Sir Toppem Hat is not made and I think a lot of adults would buy him just for a fun addition to their model layouts.

You have no chance as they probably cost more to make the dies than the trains do.

All in all probaly costs far to much to get the movie trains right keeping people happy, for what is a sales span of a few months as the movie goes world wide and the hype dies down.

The reality is the normal real train sales make a profit because we all want one and probably want another one when the funds are again avalable, and so does every one else so the nesasary quantities can be made and then some more and it might even stretch to and still yet more on some models.

So recognisable  English toy (Thomas) and model trains are whats best for Hornby particularly in this day and age.

regards John

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