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Error with C7042 6 cars base (opposite directions)


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I just bought a wonderfull platinum set that includes a C7042 base for 6 cars. Everything works well in digital but once I switch to analog, lane 1 and 2 go the opposite way!!! :(

Even if I change the direction of the lanes with only one power supply and lane by lane or with the two power supply connected changing the direction for both lanes. Nothing is working and the car continue to go in the opposite way. I've got a lot of analog car and I really want to have fun with those cars with my friends.

Is it a problem with my C7042 (firmware 0.85)  or did I miss something?

Thank you for your answer !!

Best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...


You've probably figured this out by now but setting analogue direction should be ok in v0.85

The menu system is not intuitive at all. Drilling down in the platform menu to the inappropriately named "Gear" (renamed Dir'n in v1.09). Use the left/right arrows to select direction and hit enter after selecting it (not sure if "enter"  is necessary but it won't do any harm)..

If one doesn't reverse the direction, try the other one.


My crib sheets should make navigation a bit easier:

They are based on the unofficial v1.09 update, but are still useful for v0.85 although some abbreviations and menus have been changed

>Menu flow chart



Try to update to v1.09 asap (see SSDC website) otherwise you may suffer missed laps. You will need a third party powerbase to PC cable ,which is not cheap, but it will also allow you to use sophisticated PC based race mangement systems and to do away with the Scalextric tower.  




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  • 1 year later...

Hi there, I just got the c7042 power base and I have exactly the same problem with analogue mode like Macdeg reported. Unfortunately the answer did not covered the problem at all. I already found out how to change lane directions, but it always changes both lanes simultanously, the opposite direction problem still exists... just vice versa. The car on lane 1 goes left, the car on lane 2 goes right. If I change direction, lane 1 goes right and lane 2 goes left. I've built the track with 3 straight lane changers, I don't know if that is relevant. The firmware is v.085. Maybe anyone know whats happening here.Thank you!Frank

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same problem just on different posting - happens alot here

short repeat

had same problem now found here and guru at slotforum was no help

then saw it reported first time at slotforum at end of august

and there were others

belief was a last generation of apb manufacturing mistake

anyway solution that they thought would help was reversing wires on one lane

poster never said if it worked but no futher complaints from him

me just kept hitting buttons and then stuck it back back in box

dug out pb4 and glad and had best of both worlds

now running arc pro

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