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Fitting DCC tp Blue Rapier


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There is no need to convert ot as it is DCC ready. The only difference to normal is that you need two decoders. One for the motorised car and one for the non motorised power car to control the lights. Don't forget to program at the same time facing the

correct way as if they are running otherwise you may end up with two sets of headlights or taillights on at the same time.

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[reply]gerryd said:

Thanks for your speedy reply. A shame that Hornby claim that it is easy to dit DCC to any of their products....except this one.

I have converted a railroad version for my son, it's fairly straight

forward(orange and grey to motor) although the lights are obviously constantly lit at both ends as i have used a single decoder..

I'll find my info and publish it on here
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[reply]Flashbang said:

The blue Rapier set IS NOT DCC Ready!

My apologies from what I had been told and seeing numerous R1139 sets advertised on the internet as DCC ready I made a mistake.

There is however no reason to shout and be

aggressive you remind me why I stopped posting a long time ago - everyone is entitled to make a mistake and can be corrected. I am sure you are not perfect nobody is .........
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I'm not aggressive nor was I shouting.
Bold text was used to ensure any incorrect statement was corrected.
I stated what is correct and ensured all readers understood the issue with that particular set.
I don't post things that are not correct,

as its very misleading, especially to those who don't know any different and are new to the hobby.

Apology accepted and understood. However there was no need to be sarcastic!
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  • 2 weeks later...
It is a bit of a pain to make DCC as it's a hardwire job, did it with mine.
As far as I can remember all wires are the same colour also had to remove the small circuit board in each train as I couldn't get it working with the lights, so took both out

then hardwired the lot and replaced the lights with white and red in each train to allow forward and reverse lighting in my opinion better to leave alone if not clued up or maybe just by the DCC version,much easier.
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