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Double header speed differencial problems

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I am having problems with using the double header facility with my Eurostar's.  I have two of the 2013 models both with the same basic Hornby decoders and one of then configured to operate in 'Reverse'.  On the track and seperately controlled they move at the same relative speed throughout the scale HOWEVER, as soon as I 'double head' them the 'rear' unit hardly moves until after about 70mph speed setting but at cruise of 150mph they both run at exactly the same speed.  Additionally when I try a stop from cruise one of them will not actually shut down and tries to keep moving...  In fact if I lift it off and even with all controls at zero put it back on the track, it keeps moving; I have to power down the system to get everything to reset.

At the moment I am running the unit with seperate controls just remembering to keep the speeds synchronised and it operates smoothly...


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Additional info.  I have run both Euro's on seperate tracks and this problem still occurs however, when I double head two of my TTS loco's, Gadwell and King Richard II, they both run at the same speed throughout the speed range despite being two different motor gearing configurations.


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On the track and separately controlled they move at the same relative speed throughout the scale.


Plan B,

What about trying this, not an ideal solution but may be a suitable work around. Give both Eurostars the same DCC loco address. Then see if they behave in a synchronised fashion from a single controller, that is not configured as a 'double header'.

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OK.  Coded both to the same number but with one operating in reverse and then track tested with both on the same track but slightly apart.  Both ran round together at all speeds so a result...  Slight difference in acceleration so dropped the settings to 20 to even things out and gives a much better look to setting off anyway. So, for a permanently linked identical couple (enphasis though on identical) double coding works better than double heading....

Thanks Chissaf


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