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I have the super detailed Hitachi Class 395 'Chris Hoy' and the White Olympic version also. With a full length six car train traction can be a problem with the tyres slipping and loosing grip. I have discovered that if you replace the other untyred wheelset on the power bogie with a set with traction tyres then the wheels don't slip and stick to the track like glue. They also fit the cheaper Railroad versions also. The wheelsets are available on Ebay from Peter's Spares for around a fiver: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331782678175

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Now you are relying on the dummy bogie for most of the pickup, but if it works ok for you then good tip.


I'm going the other way and replacing tyres with solid wheels on Class 56 and 90, sacrificing traction for improved pickup.

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The tyred wheels have a groove to take the tyre. You may well find the tyres on the other wheels will slip off eventually. It might be better to find out why the wheels slip. Are the other coaches free running or are the wheels binding. One their own they should travel a long way with a gentle push. 

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WTD, just a very gentle reminder to re-read the OP. He changed the whole wheel set for one supporting traction tyres i.e with ones with the groove.

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I have found out also that these motors eat traction tyres for breakfast. My fix has worked on two of my Class 395s without any loss of power pick-up. Two of my white Javelins have power pick-up problems with the extra traction tyred wheels fitted though. I will have to investigate this.

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  • 4 years later...

Dragging up a 2016 post, but I've only just got this set and I'm finding the single motor bogie is suffers from significant slippage on even the slightest of gradients.

Saw the additional traction tyre solution, but don't want to sacrifice pickups. Ideal solution would be to add a motor to the dummy car and for a consist.

The dummy frame is different though, so I cant just buy a motor. Anyone know which models share this 395 design so I can search the spares section on ebay for a power car I can swap bodies on? Anyone done this?



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Depends which Class 395 you have.

I have the early Blue Rapier with Noddy couplings, and simplistic circuit boards whereas the later variants have more sophisticated couplings and improved hi-level circuitry.

All the couplings are carried by the various bogies so you need to find the right units.


You should pull the various service sheets (345 & 357) to compare parts as I know the Blue Rapier was a minefield trying to fing out which wheels went with which bogie on which car, when I got rid of the horrible plastic wheels..


This article explains my upgrade of this early model, which may help.


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Thanks! It's the Hornby Visitors Centre train pack (https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/south-eastern-class-395-hornby-visitor-centre.html) service sheet 345B I think. The frame isn't listed as a part as far as I can tell.

I actually have the Blue Rapier set at the moment, but I'm selling it because I assumed the Hornby Visitors Centre would be an upgrade. The Blue Rapier actually runs better and the lighting is better. I'm running the HVS train pack version with the extra two coaches, but even so, it shouldn't be struggling this much.

I wonder if the London 2012 power car shares the same frame design. It's listed in the service sheet and there's one going on ebay, but it seems to have the wrong type of couplings which makes me nervous.

I'll try adding a bit of weight over the bogie, otherwise I'll order another set of traction tyre wheels from Peter's Spares and see if I can get away with fewer pickups. It shouldn't be this hard to fit a second motor though, why not just share the same frame design for both cars and have a bogie without a motor in one of them???

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Have you checked that all the non-powered wheelsets are free-running?  

As Rob says above, check the two service sheets and your unit to see whether the Blue Rapier and Javelin bodies and underframes look to be interchangeable. 

If you buy the Blue Rapier power car, the conversion will still need some modelling: the Javelin coupling will need to be mounted on the rear of the Blue Rapier underframe and the seat unit will have to be modified.  And I think you will need to purchase the power car pcb for motor control as well as the motor bogie.

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Thanks. I'm going to go down the weight and traction tyre route. I've also bought some spare bogies with pickups. If I'm getting pickup issues then I'll try to fit pick ups to the coaches and feed a wire between the coach and the motor. This set will never be broken up so I can live with the wire. I may also try coach lighting.

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