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Loco moves at zero throttle ?


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I have just setup a loco with a Select controller.


The loco moves as soon as I put it on the track throttle dial at zero


Both the loco & the Select are brand new & all I have done is to add a Sapphire decoder to the DCC ready loco.


Is there a way to reset the throttle to zero ?

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 Thanks Raf,


I hadn't noticed if it happens in reverse. I'm going to experiment with it tonight on a long piece of track.


I was also having issues as I had everyting setup on the TrakMat. The track twists on the creased paper. Better than carpet fluff in the works though I suppose ! ☹️


I'll try what you suggested. Is it also worthwhile re-setting the select ?

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Paul, normally, we stick our trackmat to a piece of plywood. Creases then disappear. Alternatively, simply fit layout to plywood, doing away with trackmat. Its a bit of a gimmick, and once you start, you will Re- design, anyway, which makes it obselete. john

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 Thanks John,

I'm just fiddling around to make sure my first attempts fitting a decoder worked.

At least she runs in the right direction (when she runs) !

I'll get the baseboard setup over the weekend. I only just received the Select controller in the mail yesterday so having a muck around.

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Paul, i think we all do the same. Lets see if it runs. You are very brave fitting a decoder. Never attempted that. Buy them ready fitted, or run my large DC layout. If you are going to have to play cvs, you might in time, look at a s/h Elite. Select then used as Walkabout. john

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  Hi John,

I have ordered an Elite (at a fantastic price too). The same place I ordered the Select from. It was such a good deal, I couldn't say no.


The Select will be a handy backup although I hadn't planned to update to the Elite quite so soon.


I see now why the Elite is so good. I just watched a youtube clip on programming CV's with it. Very nice.


The decoder fitted a treat although I was unsure which way it plugged in. I plugged it in with the orange wire next to a small (Number 1) printed on the connector. Seems to be working ok as far as direction goes.



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 It's an ebay supplier but sadly I bought the last of the Select stock & (now Elite) at that discounted price.They only had a handful.


It was so good a deal I couldn't pass up on it. I wasn't going to buy an Elite. Well, not straight away. I can't even work the Select properly yet. 😬


I've had a lucky run with ebay the past few weeks. Bought a few things at big discounts.

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Found this in the Select V1.5 manual....extract copied below:


Why does my loco move when the control is set to zero?

Sometime when a loco is placed on the main track it starts to move without touching the controller’s throttle. A previously accessed address has had the throttle set to “go.” i.e. “Speed greater than zero” Try going through the loco addresses in the controllers memory and setting each to zero throttle this may resolve the problem. Remember you can quickly cycle through all loco addresses in the Selects memory by repeatedly pressing the "SELECT" button.


Regarding CVs you can adjust (how to):


  • CV1 DCC Address Select 1.5 Manual Page 9
  • CV3 Acceleration Select 1.5 Manual Page 10
  • CV4 Deceleration Select 1.5 Manual Page 10


The manual does not reference the CVs by number, but references their function i.e Address, Acceleration & Deceleration.


CV2 Voltage Start - don't think it can be done with the Select, can find nothing about it in the manual.


Bit 0 CV29 Loco Direction - This is discussed in the manual on Page 12. However, I do not think that this changes the CV29 in the decoder. I read it as a change to the memory within the Select controller that it holds for that particular loco DCC address. But happy to be proven wrong.


Bit 2 CV29 DC Running - This is discussed in the manual on Page 19. However, I do not think that this changes the CV29 in the decoder. I read it as a change to a global configuration within the Select controller for all locos. But happy to be proven wrong.

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 Thanks Chris,

I did read the manual but it didn't make a lot of sense to me as this is the first and only loco ever used with my Select. Everything is brand new and used for the first time.

It's still on default  loco number 3 both in the Select and the Sapphire decoder

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 I'm having some laughs tonight.


I setup about 4ft of track on my desktop and connected my Select to the power track section.


Put old Mallard on and straight away, the same OverLoad issues. Anyway, as I was fiddling around, I managed to get her into reverse.


These things can get away on you. Ever watched that old Will Hay film 'Oh Mr Porter' ? My beautiful Mallard kept going, right off the end of my desk to about a 3/12 foot drop to the floor below. Lucky it is carpet.


Made some of my RC plane crashes look gentle.


Anyway, this loco is one tough beast to survive that. The only noticeable damage was my front bogie now seems even looser, to the point where it feels like it is going to fall off.


But that fall did the trick. No more O/load and she's running like a swiss watch.


I also cured the throttle problem. (loco running at 0 throttle)


I made sure the throttle was dialed to 0. Then did a reset... Emergency Stop < > keys.


All good & I am now sitting with a few beers sending the Mallard up and down my desktop at unbelievably slow crawl speed. Very smooth!


Cheers! 😀

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But that fall did the trick. No more O/load and she's running like a swiss watch.


Could this be a new tip to add to the forum boilerplate..........hit the offending loco with a hammer  😆

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Ah - the very technical but precise percussion adjustment (usually carried out with bigger and bigger hammers till it works or has obviously failed) worked in this case then, by way off a bungee jump onto the floor.


that would suggest a dodgy decoder installion such as not insulated properly or not plugged in properly - or even pluggedvin too far causing a short.


probably worth taking the body off the next time it plays up and sorting it out properly - until then - enjoy.

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 No, you drive it off a desktop (must be in reverse). The desktop has to be exactly 3.5ft high.


No shag pile carpet either. Must be your short pile with concrete floor beneath or my fix it trick won't work 😳

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  Shall do !


I'm still trying to figure out that front bogie though. It is even looser after that fall. I can't see how you can tighten or adjust it. The screw that holds it on is tight.

Could that be causing the Select to trip somehow ?

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You can't alter CV2 with the Select. It can't read CVs either. The problem could have been caused by a loose wire which moved when the loco fall down.

About the only thing you can do when the Select has problems is to reset it.

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You can't alter CV2 with the Select. It can't read CVs either. The problem could have been caused by a loose wire which moved when the loco fall down.

About the only thing you can do when the Select has problems is to reset it.

I think I cured the problem by re-setting the Select with the throttle dial at 0


Whatever, it no longer moves on zero throttle. 😀

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 Thanks Magfan,


Yes, I bought the Sapphire new.


How do I access the few CV's you mention with a Select ?


Looks like I need to make sure CV2 is 0 ?


(Nice Les Paul by the way) 😀

the cv's are accessed in-directly , cv1 is your 2 digit loco address

cv' s 3 and 4 are your acceleration and decelaration   (ac and dc) on the select 

bit 0 is when you change the direction with the < > arrows. thats about all the select can do very limiting but none the less a good way to learn about dcc,

as for the les paul   i only wish !!! playing not a problem but owning 

have fun with your dcc beginning started with a select ,out grew in about a year ,now a nce powercab , love the system .

I have an Elite on order but the Select seems to do the job.


(I'm a Strat & Tele player but always fancied a nice LP). One day!



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  • 2 years later...

I am having the same problem as Paul60 but I am a 13 year old and cannot afford the Elite at the moment. I realise now thanks to the posts above that my select can not read or write CV2 so i will have to send it in for repair. However this fault is intermittent, sometimes the trains will stop and other times the trains keep moving at a very gradual pace. The other problem is that the controller keeps displaying oL (overload) so there must be a short somwhere.

Tried phoning Hornby Customer Service and they said to connect the select to another short piece of track to diagnose the oL problem. I presume this was to test if the layout track was creating the short. Controller did not display oL but did when connected to main layout track. Therefore they said your layout track must be creating the short. 

However tried this test again after the phone call and the controller displayed oL on test track as well! As I said before it is rather intermittent and sometimes works fine. I was wondering whether the fact that the trains sometimes will not completely stop may have something to do with the oL problem. I was also wondering whether the throttle on the select may be fault. Also is it possible for a controller to create a short?

I also used to run analogue locomotives on the layout using the Analogue locomotive control but when I told Hornby this they said they do not recommend it. I have now stopped using this mode (not quite sure why Hornby bothered creating it if they do not recommend it) but the problem still happens. 

Hope this makes sense.

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