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Railway Announcements


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In former days visits to larger stations were usually "enlivened" by loudspeaker announcements.

Sometimes the announcer even had his/her recognisable style with veiled humour (or so I thought). Also, for stopping-trains the names of obscure "outposts" I had never heard of, which made the whole thing more interesting.

Anyway the point of this post is to ask if anyone has incorporated recorded announcements into their layout features and how they have done it. There must be plenty of recordings of Gouping or BR announcements available somewhere. Or am I mistaken ?

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Jimbo, believe me I've searched.......any recordings I have found have been recorded live on the platform by microphone. The background noise including wind howl made them unusable. You can record your own using any recording SW that will save in .WAV format. Save the file in your RM Sound folder and you can call it up within RM.


Also see this previous thread 'Station Announcements'


Not what your looking for, but this web site might be of interest to you. The link is for search results to the search term "Station". With the right browser extension (one that captures embedded video and audio) you can save these sound files to your HDD for free (I use "Video Download Helper"). Have a listen to "Train Station in the 1920s" on the linked page below.....it is rather good.



The home page is here giving access to 1,000s of different ambient sound files by category. Note: the files are captured as MP3 and need converting to .WAV to be compatible with RM.....loads of free Internet resources that can do this.




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For DCC users who use Railmaster, there are a limited number of announcements supplied with the software which can be played through the computers speakers. You can also add to these, your own recordings, or any sound files you can download from the internet.



Typing at the same time as you, Chris



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Some of the DCC sound decoders have a small range of 'platform noises' on them, as well - including the classic indecypherable P.A. announcements! (The next train on platform burble is the muffle to burble, waffle and garble!)

I don't think they are accessible with a Select, but the Elite can reach them.

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I made my own by using a Voice Changer and recording the changed voice onto a smart phone then burned them to a CD, even gave myself an Italian accent. " the nexta train she leava New Streeta station stoppinga at alla stations to a Bromsgrove ata four a fifateen. .

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 If your layout is set in the 1970s don't forget to have a working baggage trolly sycronised with the start of the message so that the noise of it's passing makes the whole message impossible to hear!


This happend year after wear as we awaited out connection at Basingstoke when going to Devon!


Seriously how about these:


Note I ave not listend to them all the way through - life is too short!


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 In the 1970s I worked at Faversham station, Here the station announcements were made by the platform staff from a kiosk located at the top of the steps up from the subway.  There were two island platforms one for down trains the other for up trains, four platforms in all. We used a hand operated microphone connected to a switch box that allowed us to make announcements at the platform we were located, but also on the other platforms too. During my time there we were supplied with  box full of pre-recorded announcements. These followed the usual format e.g.  "The first eight coaches of this train are for Whitstable, Herne Bay, Birchington, Westgate, Margate, Dumpton Park and Ramsgate, the rear four coaches are for Canterbury East, Dover Priory and Dover Marine. Please travel in the front eight coaches for Margate and Ramsgate and the rear four coaches for Dover." The recordings then went on to give the same announcements in French and German. Only the trains with Dover portions were given in three languages, the local trains were only in English.


The pre-recorded messages were made in a 'posh' (i.e.BBC announcer) male voice for English and a 'sophisticated' female voice for the foreign versions. This was in stark comparison to the ones we made over the microphone in a Kent 'whine'. The box had a table of different announcements in two lists each with a button alongside. Each different announcement had a seperate button, presumably triggering a seperate tape loop. As soon as the button was pressed the announcement started, although we did have a cancel button in case of a mistake. There were about 30 different announcements to cover as many of the combination of train calling patterns as possible. The upside and down side had a seperate set of announcements, so 60 in all. Anything else had to be done by the staff using the microphone. Also any apologies for delay and cancellation were done ad-hoc, again using the microphone. (Often my job when I was on duty!!)


Every year we had to check the list to see if the train pattern was the same, at the same time we had to examine the draft of the new timetable and get new 'finger boards' signwritten. As this took time to do we always had a scramble to get the orders in, and from time to time (although fortunately fairly rarely) the planners changed the timetable before publication and the recordings and boards were incorrect. Boards were easy to change, usually with sticky tape and felt marker, but the recordings were not.


For us the pre-recordings were cutting edge state of the art, but nowadays they are common-place.

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Very many thanks, gents, for all the excellent and carefully detailed replies, showing the huge amount of information at the fingertips of our members. I will be exploring the answers and in the meantime send my best regards from muffle juction on the xthefut line to ndgyrndsi  😀  I still smile when recalling some of the Black Country voices on stations in that region.

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Heard on Southampton station, many years ago.


"The train arriving at Platform 4 is the All Stations to Salisbury"

The line to Salisbury isn't electrified, but in rolls a 4-VEP. A few minutes later we had the announcement

"Will any passengers for Salisbury, who are on the train at Platform 4, please get off as this train is going to Bournemouth" 


Confused !!

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  • 5 years later...

man_with_turban New Tram. I am afraid I do not like Advertising livery. Can we have one in operator livery.

I was brought up in Edinburgh long ago when Advertising on Trams and buses was Banned. Great days, Beautiful transport.

Fat Richard (Dunoon Scotland)

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