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Dogfight Doubles A6M-2b Zero

Pretty Mediocre Modeller

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Hello again everyone,

Now that the P-40 has been finished, I've moved onto the Zero from the same set. Again I've already build this kit once, back in December 2011, for the 60th Anniversary of Pearl Harbour, and had no problems then, so anticipate none now. The kit has good cockpit detail, with moulded on sidewall structure, a good seat, containing representations of lightning holes, and floor detail as well. Be careful with the joystick though as it is very fragile. The surface engraving is a little on the heavy side, this being one of Airfix's older new tool kits, but is fine for me, as I brush paint anyway, and that fills the panel lines. The only problem I have is that I have already built this scheme from the gift set boxing, but I have found a similar scheme on the internet, that only requires the coloured carrier bands to be changed, and the code and formation markings on the tail to be altered.


The kit contents. For the most part well moulded, except for a little flash around the engine cylinders,and some heavy mould seams on the one piece, slide moulded engine cowling, but these were easily cleaned up.


The fuselage and cockpit parts painted and ready for assembly. I used US interior green, dry brushed with light grey, details picked out in black. The instrument panel has three separate decals. The two part engine was painted black with a aluminium dry brush, and looks the part. Finally the part on the right is the top deck from in front of the cockpit,this is a separate part so as to include more detail, and also another part with the machine gun breaches fits on the bottom, and when assembled pokes through the cut outs in the instrument panel.


Before cementing the wings together I painted the inside of the top wings black around the area of the spent cartridge case cut outs in the bottom wing to prevent naked plastic showing through. I also cut out the slot for the fuel tank.


The fuselage and wings assembled. The instructions would have you install the top deck piece in front of the cockpit after fixing the halves together, but I found during a dry fit that this was very problematic, so I assembled it to a fuselage half before joining them. That was the only fit issue I had.


The basic airframe assembled. Again no fit issues, the only place a little filler may be needed is the underside join to the rear fuselage.


That's it for this instalment. I'll post again soon with an update.


Ps sorry about the image sizes John the Pom, I've had some issues reducing them.

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I have the impression that Japanese (all services) colours were very standardised, so that only official unit markings would differentiate , say, aircraft from different IJN units, and kill markings just didn't happen.

On the more general point about image sizes, they show as 924x524 pixels (full colour?). If you want to reduce the size, try loading them into Microsoft Paint, or maybe GIMP, and zooming them down that way, then save as JPEG under new file names.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The next step in my Zero construction was painting. For the main colour I used Xtracolour IJN Grey, which has a slight greenish tint. The colour provided in the set was Hu90 Sky Type S, and when I compared this to the 'official' colour they were both practically identical, apart from one being matt and the other gloss! Pretty soon I was ready for the decalling.


As I had changed the markings slightly the blue carrier bands were masked off and painted by hand. I wasn't sure if the decking under the canopy should have been in the airframe colour or cockpit colour, and after some research I came up with examples of both, so went with my gut and cockpit green.


You may think the wheel wells are a strange colour, but apparently A6M's had their natural metal wells coated in a blue/green anti corrosion compound which I've tried to replicate, although I might have got it a bit bright.


Decals applied, mostly from the kit. The tail number was written onto clear decal film with a permanent marker. I wasn't to happy with this attempt and later removed it and had another go which has come out a bit better. I might have also left to large a gap between the blue bands, but to late now! 


After the decalling the last few bits and pieces went on like undercarriage and prop (which does not turn I'm afraid to say). I used a fine drill bit to open up the wing gun ports and hole for the pitot, then it was a coat of varnish and a little weathering and I have a pretty colourful addition to my collection.





Seen with it's Dogfight Double partner the P-40B


With the 'Kate', how about a 'Val' Mr Airfix to complete the line up?


This may not be the very best 1/72 A6M2 on the market, but it is well up there. The Airfix kit is a straightforward build and results in a nice looking model, and for value for money it can't be beaten in this scale, compared to competition from Japan.


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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for showing your build of the A6M2 Zero, Well done and a very nice build. I have one waiting in the wings & will be refering to your build when I eventually get round to building it. Looks especally good with the pairing you've done, looking forewards to seeing more.

Now if only Airfix could do a release A6M2-N Ruff Float plane, Shouldn't take too much effort just add blanking-off parts for the wheel wells and add the floats, and you have what I consider to be the best looking Zero ever made.

Remember we do this for fun      John the Pom

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  • 2 years later...

Following on from my additions o PMM’s Warhawk thread I am now updating on the progress of my Zero.

The colour for the cockpit internals was supposed to be ‘interior green’ which I didn’t have so, as I’m not a stickler for accuracy, I used a green I did have. These details don’t bother me at the moment and by the time everything is assembled you don’t see much of it anyway. The fuselage and engine went together well and I painted the engine matt black with silver ‘dry-brush’ highlights.


Then it was onto the wing assembly which was a bit tighter than the Warhawk but I still clamped and braced until the cement fully cured.  This reduced the gaps at the joins a bit – I haven’t got into using filler yet.  The tailplane was assembled at the same time but I did omit fitting the engine cowl as I could fit this later once the bulk of the plane was painted.


I purchased some new, better quality, brushes and what a difference that makes! The paint called for the plane was Hu90 (the same as used for the underside of Spitfires) and it went on like a dream. Only trouble was that I thought it didn’t look quite right so I mixed in a bit of white for the final coat to lighten things up a little.


I had another go at painting up the pilot but I’m afraid all my pilots are beginning to look alike no matter what plane I’m building – oh well. Then there was the issue of fitting said pilot. There was no way I could get him settled into the seat so in the end I had to perform surgery by cutting his legs off below the knee. Problem solved. The painting of the canopy framework defeated me rather than totally mess it up I removed what paint I could and left it at that. The finished prop and cowling were dry fitted just to check alignment for later.  The holes in the side of the drop-tank are for the display stand.  I actually forgot to drill these out before I assembled the tank so I had to unassembled and reassemble which was a bit of a pain.  These pics also show the lighter colour I ended up applying before putting on the decals.



One of the new things I am trying is using Humbrol DecalFix and it seemed to go okay.  I still dipped the decals in plain water but applied the DecalFix to the area required and adjusted placement with the brush. This is supposed to settle the decal into the panel lines, reduce ‘silvering’ and give a ‘painted on’ look. We’ll see about that.



Then, as I normally do, I like to photograph the end result including some props.  This time I used the box art (see below) as inspiration and found an image depicting the Pearl Harbour attack that I enlarged to use as a backdrop (you can see the tape) and staged the planes in a similar way. 

Thanks PMM for allowing me to add to your thread. Cheers, Jeff.



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  • 6 months later...

Dear Mr.Aussie Jeff

Your "ZERO" is very cleanry finished.

It is past I build "ZERO" made of HASEGAWA(1/72).

Of course, I possess your "A6M2b ZERO" (A01005).

Now I am building your "GLOSTER METEOR F8"(A09182).

Next time I challenge AIRFIX's "ZERO".


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