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Railmaster not adding new loco

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I moved Railmaster from a failed PC to a new one, and after reinstalling I copied all the relevant files across to the railmaster program folder and in particular resource.mdb, the Access database which holds details of the 65 locos on the system. I added a new loco into Railmaster and although it shows in Railmaster the loco does not work. I know the loco is OK because if I give it an ID of an existing loco it works under that ID! I have given the railmaster folder in program files all the permissions and now I have run out of ideas!  It looks to me as if the Railmaster program is not using the current Access database but instead using an old copy in which the new loco does not exist. You would expect that railmaster.ini would show the file locations but it does not. Any thoughts?

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Cowside, when you read the thread that Ray has kindly posted a link for, look out for the 'workaround' fix that is documented in it, that involves splitting up your loco fleet into 'groups'.


It would also be beneficial if you used the inbuilt 'help support request' facility to report your issue to HRMS, the more reports they get regarding this issue, the more likely a more permanent fix will be forthcoming.

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You cannot phone HRMS and phoning HCC will get you nowhere.  You need to email HRMS from the facility in the Help window of RM.


PS.  I've now answered you in all 3 threads you've posted this on.  The answer in the DCC forum on activation is clearly not correct as you hadn't included the info on having exceeded the buggy 60 limit there.  I say buggy as it shouldn't be there but clearly is, and needs reporting to HRMS.

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I have talked by phone to Hornby support about reinstallation and thought how refreshing it was to have helpful software support when in other arenas I have had to deal with Microsoft!!. I have only discovered about the buggy 60 limit tonight and followed the advice to break the locos into groups but that does not seem to work. 

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Whilst researching for an article I spotted in my notes that the Elite is 'capable of simultaneously running 64 locos on two channels'.


These are old notes and I cannot remember where I got the information from, but if true then this may be a finite limit forced upon RM by the Elite.


Whether the eLink also has this limit I don't know, but it would be interesting if whoever is struggling with this could try it out and confirm either way.



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I have written at length to Hornby Railmaster Support. Having employed programmers I have a feeling it's not a bug, just that someone decided to put in a line of code to restrict to 60 locos for reasons known only to themselves. I have suggested that Railmaster at least add the workaround (ie putting the locos into groups) to their pdf guides even if they do not modify the program immediately. I wasted about 15 hours reinstalling and uninstalling locos, checking the security and permissions of the loco Access database resource.mdb, and even unsoldering a decoder I had fitted and resoldering another one. What a waste of time! And it would have been even longer without the help of the Forum! Thanks everyone.

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This is the helpful reply I got from Railmaster Support, who are clearly aware of the issue and want to find a solution:

"There is no limit in the code for 60 locos. We know of two users who have had this issue and spent a great deal of time with one of them logged into his computer to try and find out what was causing it. We have a test set-up here with several hundred locos and do not have this issue and have not been able to recreate it thus far. We also know some users with large rosters who also have not come up against this. Something is happening on particular computers (fortunately just a handful) and we have not yet seen enough of these to find a pattern. If you would like us to log into your PC to see if we can find something then we would be happy to do so as we would like this resolved as much as you. We know that locos can be put into groups, but this is not a long-term solution."

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This may be a long shot but may be worth HRMS looking into....

Is this not anything to do with the corruption of an Access database file where the program refers back or changes the filename extension to .accdb instead of .mdb? I have not seen this in RailMaster admittedly but have so in a couple of other applications where Access databases are used. The .accdb file extension has been used from Access 2007 while the .mdb extension is for the older Access 2003 and earlier. It is also used in some written Visual Basic programs and can become corrupted on newer machines.


If you attempt to open the Resource.mdb file in Access 2016 for example the error message pops up saying "Unrecognised database format..." followed by the path of the file.


Could it not be therefore that the default database engines installed with Windows are interfering and trying to default to other formats even though the file should only open in RailMaster?


Obviously any database file, once damaged, will not open anywhere.


As I said it is a long shot but worth a mention. Curious to know the outcome on this one...

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I have passed on to Railmaster that the Access db after adding locos which then did not work showed the new locos and it appears in exactly the same data format as ones which did work. So I don't think the problem is with the database (except possibly permissions).. I'm still convinced some code was put in the program for testing and then not removed and forgotten about!

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If that is true cowside, then what HRMS told you (a problem on only a small number of installations and not a problem on most) would be wrong then wouldn't it.  Unlikely. And it's also clear that just giving them your resources.mdb file isn't good enough, get them to log in and look around.

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If one assumes that the HRMS statements are correct i.e they have a test set up with 100s of locos configured and cannot replicate the error. Plus only a few users are affected. Then it is logical to look for another reason for the cause of the error. Cowside stated in the very first original post, that he transferred RM to a new PC machine and copied over files from the old PC. Therefore it is logical to deduce that there may be some other change in an associated RM program file that has not yet been set correctly due to manual transfer copying of files. In other words, file changes that would have occurred naturally if the database files had been created by the RM version they now reside upon have not been initiated correctly. I have no idea what these could be, or even if my logic is on the right track. I make the suggestion purely for HRMS to consider in their diagnosis.


In a previous reply to another user with the same issue, HRMS suggested (if I recall correctly) that the affected user rebuilt his loco roster from scratch on his new replacement PC.

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This is just not logical if this is happening to a number of uses with same number of locos and then work with all locos by using a group to load.

HMRS have blamed so far

elink - checked byHornby support

e link again - new elink

USB lead - replaced

Rogue loco - All locos work using "ALL" as a group

PC = New PC

In addittion they have not solved my program issue, and I have created a new program

Thet cannot get aer admin to work on my PC

To program 70+ DCC sound locos when it is happening to other users is really a waste of my time, let alone the cost of replacing all the hardwire which was not at fault.

In more than 6 montfhs HMRS do not have a good record.

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A little harsh Knap saying HRMS do not have a very good record over the last 6 months, or, indeed, any length of time.

I say that because the issue you have is not really a generic one as it appears. HRMS have to eliminate all obvious factors first and in doing so it takes time. Also, whilst not defending HRMS at this point, they do have lots of work to get through. They will be investigating this to the best of their ability and, like myself, who has to investigate broken PC's, laptops, networks, websites and more I and they have to go through procedures that may seem too obvious to some.

Also, what may look like one problem that may be causing the issue may actually be a small combination of so they need working out. It all takes time.

So, the issue may have been going on for 6 months and you have a replacement eLink unit etc. and other hardware may have been checked and all seems to work fine. It may be that the problem is RailMaster based or database based. The fact that there is no limit or code included for a maximum 60 locos or whatever does not mean that code elsewhere is not interfering with this. Variables can get mixed up.


Whilst I have mentioned all this I do hope you read it in the context it is meant in that it is only to sooth things over while HRMS carry out their checks and the best way for them to see the problem is by logging in to your PC as well as those others affected. Otherwise, by not being able to replicate this matter they are working blindly so to speak.


Let's hope this can be resolved at the soonest for you.

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I sent the Resource and Programs files back in early July. It would be nice to have an idea of any conclusion to any tests carried out., otherise there is little point in requesting files.

Also rather than just suggesting replacing hardware, it would have useful to check the software by logging on at an earlier stage, as a no cost option.

At first aero admin needed permission from windows firewall, this is not usually the case, and then their screen went blank - reason unknown.

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So to clarify Knap, HRMS has yet to be able to log in but you are still trying with them?  Or is that not the case?


Also as AC said, they need to run through a process to track these unusual problems down and they won't have suggested logging in until it was clear to them that it was needed.  At least they are trying for you, and a lot more than some support organizations would.  Overall their support record is excellent, including tracking down unusual problems, not just the routine ones.  You will find many satisfied users reporting how well they have done in the forums.

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