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Mouse pointer sticks to throttle slider

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Yes, It has been reported before, and as far as I recall it was reported prior to 1.65.1


See this thread, it reports that in 1.65.0 you 'right click' the mouse to unstick the cursor. My understanding is that the locking on is a design feature (not a fault) that allows you to walk about with the mouse in your hand, a bit like using a Select as a 'Walkabout' but more basic.



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The problem I'm experiencing is slightly different. I have the Pro version. When I click on a control or function button within a large loco control window (eg STOP) the control window "sticks" to the mouse pointer so I can do nothing else as, whatever I do, the control window moves around under the pointer. I have not worked out definitively how to get out of this. Sometimes right click seems to work. Sometimes ESC, (I think). I have had several nasty crashes as a result of this lack of control. I have mouse control set to '0' in the INI file. 


(Note I use a laptop with touchpad control not a mouse. Touchpad. "Clicklock" is off).

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Not that this helps much, but I have a Laptop with a TouchPad and have absolutely no issues of this kind whatsoever. All I can suggest is looking very carefully at all the configurable options for the Touchpad, disabling all the fancy control options to see if one of the more obscure ones creates this behaviour.


Can't be sure, but I believe (rather than re-invent the wheel) many Laptop makers use the same TouchPad technology manufacturer. My Touchpad & driver is an "ELAN Touchpad". Regardless of whether your Laptop uses an ELAN Touchpad or not. It might be worth using 'Device Manager' to see if an updated Touchpad driver is available.


PS - What happens if you set the .INI file "Enable mouse=1".

My "Click Lock" is also disabled like yours, but my .INI "Enable mouse=1".


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I've tried the suggestions, turned off anything non-standard etc. The device is a Synaptics pointing device but I have reverted the driver and it now appears as a PS/2 Compatible Mouse. No difference!


But with further testing, I find that it is the PAUSE button that is the culprit. I can tap on other buttons without the panel attaching itself. Tap on the PAUSE button and the panel follows the pointer around. I note from the documentation that, with the Pro pack, which I have, "you can drag the loco controller by placing your finger anywhere". I wonder if this has anything to do with the problem?

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This has been reported in the past and as stated nothing gets done about it.


I also experience it, sometimes as Ray says, when a program is running but, not always in a program, it can be a real pain at times, especially if wanting to reduce loco speed and it sticks and moves around with the mouse. Right clicking to free it sometimes works but not always.


I will email HRMS again later today with a link to this thread.

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I have experienced this issue for a while.


I have my system linked to a PC


My .INI file has "Enable mouse=1"


It doesn't happen everytime but does happen quite a bit. The frustrating part is that we go to change the throttle and it sticks, not to much of an issue increasing speed, certainly a concern decreasing speed.


I have emailed HRMS and included a link to this thread.

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I did Email HMRS too. Here is their response:-  "We are puzzled by this and not completely sure what is happening on your PC.  The large pop-up controller will only move around the screen if you keep your finger on the mouse button while moving it.  A simple and quick tap on the mouse button should not move the controller.  You may have an issue with your mouse settings (See Mouse in Windows Control Panel)."


I have already checked my touchpad settings to no avail. I have also tried clicking the separate left "mouse" button which is provided on my laptop, instead of just tapping the touch pad itself and get the same result. I'll reply to HMRS referring them to this thread too.

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There are two different mouse-related issues being mentioned here which are being confused.


The first, which we know about is that if you slide the throttle on the small controllers and very quickly move the mouse away it can still hang on to the throttle and can slide it for a second or two.  If you slide the throttle and when finished release the mouse and don't move it so quickly away this does not happen.  This behaviour has not been written into the software and is a fault with the way Windows, the slider, the mouse and the development environment interact and is known by Microsoft however has not been fixed as they do not deem it a priority (we come across similar quite a lot).  We are looking at another way of controlling the throttle.


The second one, newly mentioned (as far as we can tell), relates to pressing buttons on the large pop-up loco controller and when releasing apparently the whole controller then moves about with the mouse.  We have not seen this before ourselves and cannot replicate it however we do know that this can sometimes happen with Windows in general on some computers (not seen with RailMaster, though) and feel it could be a mouse system issue.  Since we have only been informed about it in the last few days we need to investigate it further, with some further suggestions like ... does it happen if you use an external USB mouse?  Mousepads can be very temperamental these days, especially those where the left and right buttons are not separate but part of the pad.  Some of the drivers cause all sorts of problems and have numerous settings.  We are sure that this will ultimately be the cause of it.  All you need to do is a search on the Internet for problems with touchpads and you will see endless results.

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@ Hornby RailMaster Support

Re the second issue of the large throttle "sticking" to the mouse, I have frequently had it happen on a Microsoft radio mouse under Win 8 and 10. Right clicking disengages it. Haven't tried with a USB cable mouse or a trackpad - the latter because I have RailMaster installed on a Desktop. 

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I have seen it and my mouse is wired into a USB 2.0 rear port on an HP i5 tower pc.

Unfortunately there is no way to get a screen grab of it happening. The only reliable way is to video the screen then send that file over to HRMS.


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This is my first post so Hello.Maybe not the best place for a intro but had to reply to this thread as i too get problems with the mouse sticking. If i bring up a large control panel for any loco when i click a button (any button) and then release the panel follows the mouse around the screen for a second or two and then lets go.Not too much of a problem but eventually the panel has to be moved as it ends up blocking the scree in the wrong place. I am using Window 7 64bit and a USB wired mouse. No touch screen.


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I'm grateful for the response, especially from HRMS both here and via Email.


Just back from a session in "The Train Shed" and, despite what I said in my last post (only happens when I click on "Pause"), this time the large control window "stuck" to the mouse pointer when I clicked the "Play" button (Shunt). 


My laptop I have had now for well over 4 years and I have never experienced this with any other windows in any other program. It has separate buttons for left and right click but it makes no difference whether I tap the pad or click the buttons. Still sticks! A mouse is not practical as my laptop has to be balanced on the edge of my baseboard and no space for mouse activity. (I do get a gecko on the track sometimes which leaves large deposits. A penalty for living in Spain!<g>).


I hope it can be sorted soon as I'm avoiding using the large window which means I don't have access to all the sounds on my newly acquired "Gadwell" with TTS. (Wow, what a bargain that was.) 

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That is more or less what I experience GWR


I rarely touch the throttle when running programs, as it has happened previously when I ran them.


So the report from myself is when running the throttle in the large pop up window (I must try it in the small one).


I have RM connected to my PC, Windows 10, wireless mouse, I do not use other external item such as mobile phone or tablet. The mouse sticks to the throttle and drags the box around with it. Some times for a short time as if a command has to be completed before it releases, sometimes much longer, right clicking sometimes releases it, probably more times than not, but I have to say not always.


The frustration is not when trying to increase speed but when I want to decrease speed, it fails to allow me and Crash! I am running programs and tweaking timings, taking a train from A to B, out of a siding, round a reverse loop and back into another siding, an end to end reverse loop situation. When I have run the program taking the train from A to B, I manually use the sliders to return it ready for the next trial run, after tweaking the command times set. It is at these times as I try reducing speed, returning back to the original siding that it sticks, I have to grab the loco to stop it hitting the buffers. It can be very frustrating.

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@ Hornby RailMaster Support

Re the second issue of the large throttle "sticking" to the mouse, I have frequently had it happen on a Microsoft radio mouse under Win 8 and 10. Right clicking disengages it. Haven't tried with a USB cable mouse or a trackpad - the latter because I have RailMaster installed on a Desktop. 


Me too. I use Win XP on the desktop I use with Railmaster. So far as I can recall it has always happened: I thought that it was a local problem related to my MS radio mouse and XP so up to now haven't reported it. I'm somewhat encouraged that others also experience this, but clearly not everyone. 


And before someone complains, I used the particular method of reply rather than the general one as it seemed to me to be more appropriate.



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Having just spent a while doing some shunting and other bits and pieces, I can confirm that, with my laptop, I only get the window "sticking" when I click the shunt and stop buttons, no others. I have never experienced the problem seen by others when using the throttle. That works fine. Rather bizarre!


HRMS have asked me to test with an external mouse which I will do next time. 


On the subject of the throltle control, I would like to be able simply click on the speed scale rather than have to drag the control up or down. Click can be done one handed but drag means two hands for me using my touchpad (or am I asking for yet more trouble with these windows?!).

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  • 3 months later...

This is still a major problem for me and makes use of the large throttle windows virtually a no-no. As soon as I click on one of the control buttons, the window sticks to the pointer and I lose control.


I do hope this issue is fixed soon.

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I too have this problem intermittently but to the extent that the large throttle is a pain to use. Right clicks clear it. There is no obvious part of the throttle that it sticks to. Using external wireless MS mouse on Win10 Professional on an Acer Aspire desktop. 

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I reported this in many moons ago - I'm using a wired mouse. Never resolved obviously.


Maybe everyone still seeing the problem should report it in again quoting their mouse type to remind HRMS.


At the risk of going off topic...

Maybe it is also time to revive the list of all known outstanding problems for their benefit, although this was done a long time ago at their request, including provision of detail, coordinated by RDS if memory serves me right.


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