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Does a consist work when not using scale speed?

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I have posed this question before but may be the heading on that occasion was not correct.

So this is the issue if I set two locomotives into a consist (A &B) which ever I use to operate the locos say (A) cruise, then (B) run at half cruise speed. The reverse happens if (B) is used to operate the consist. Help please.


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Greg, hi, are they matched. EG, i run 2 Bachmann locos, identical apart from names, and they run perfectly. I can understand there being a problem, if you ran different size ones. I have no idea about scale speeds, as run mine through RM, simply turn both on to same position on slider. john

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I think you are right Greg in that if both locos in a consist have different 'button' speeds the consist will run at the button speed of the loco selected to drive the consist. i.e. loco 1 could be used for rapid transit and loco 2 could be used for shunting.


What may happen of course is one races and the other drags its heels respectively regardless of which is in control.


Its worth a shout to HRMS to see if they will confirm that.


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Consist is set up in RM. The locos in question are Thomas R351 and Percy R350. Start locos using Percy and it trys to run as normal but Thomas runs slower than normal. Start locos using Thomas and it trys to run as normal but Percy runs slower than normal. If I start with Thomas and then press cruise on Percy it speed up and Thomas slows down, now press cruise on Thomas it speed up but Percy slows down. Hope this makes the problem clear.

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I have now proved that a consist in RM only works correctly if you have "Use scale speeds" ticked in the settings. I reset both Percy & Thomas to scale speeds, tick scale speed in settings and then tried then in a consist. They worked exactly as they should regardless of which throttle was used. So consist is something I will not be using.

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