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Airfix 54mm Napoleonics


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I have a large stash of Airfix Magazines dating back to about 1970, also some Military Modelling issues from the earlier period. One thing that struck me at the time was how popular the Napoleonic Period was for modellers. 54 mm figures were very popular back in the day. Airfix were playing catch up when they started to introduce their own 54mm range at about this time. It seems that Napoleonics fell out of favour sometime over the next twenty years, don’t know exactly why. I sometimes wonder if the modellers at that time had seen enough real Me 109’s and Tiger tanks to last a lifetime, and didn’t much care for making them in plastic; Napoleonics would have provided a welcome diversion. As that generation grew older then enthusiasm for the period may have waned.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the Airfix 54mm range re-released though, I would definitely buy them for old times sake.

I don't know whether interest in Napoleonics has waned. I go to model shows and see plenty of Napoleonic figures (usually in white metal or resin) that are beautifully painted and displayed. The detail in these is often better than injection moulded kits, but they lack the versatility of the Airfix 54mm range. By interchanging parts between kits it is possible to construct a number of uniforms for various nations and regiments, whereas the cast figures are one-offs (and rather expensive).

I too (and I know others) would like to see a re-issue of the Napoleonic 54mm range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another factor was the colours. A great relief for khaki, green and grey. I made a few of these and really liked them. Another advantage is that they are easy to display as they don't take up much shelf space.

Napoleonics sell well in wargames scales (25/28 and 15/18mm)so there is interest in the period.

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  • 4 months later...

I remember buying and finishing the Airfix napoleonic period 54mm figures, and they were very good being challenging and developmental too.  I recal that straping was provided for by way of plastic card.  They produced very nice figures which my parents very much liked too.

As I recall, there were also American War of Independance and English Civil War figures available too.

Price-wise, they were series 1, other than horsemen - there was a bengal lancer as I recall - which were series 2.  These prices were far below those charged for the then widely available metal figures.  Seeing what can be done with these products, at shows and exhibitions, is inspirational.

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  • 4 months later...

I have rediscovered the Airfix figures, bringing back memories of when they were first released  So I thought I would have a go and see what I could come up with.

Istarted with the British Coldstream guardsman, and it took me ages, and looks as if I had done it 30 years ago. But persevering I then did I the French guardsman followed by the 95 th Rifleman. Thinking I was doing alright with these, I had ago with the cavalry. The Polish lancer is not bad, a few moulding issues but it worked out. As you can see I was still using the plastic card that came with the kit, but my next, and favourite so far, is the Lifeguard, for which I switched to metal foil. The results were better, easire to work with, but still trying to capture the skill I used to have, bigger fingers do not help.

Thinking I had managed to get the hang of it all again, I tried the French infantry, which caused me no end of grief. So I am still trying!

As yet not managed to do faces as I wish, but I will keep practicing.

Any way I am attaching so photos for comments.


The collection so far


The first after sooooo many years


I seem to remeber the Old Guard coming with another option for a hat - or was it the line infantry, a hat that was used in barracks, a sort of headover type head gear?


Hiding in the bushes, the detail was good on this


Trouble getting the lance to stay in the correct position and also the reins, being plastic card have a mind of their own


Metal foil reins a lot better, my favourite so far


I thought this would be quick and simple, but oh not, lots of issues but got there in the end.

I am now thinking of doing the Scotts Greys but we shall see what my patience in like.

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Yes I saw your pioneer and it has sparked lots of ideas for conversions. But I will start small.

I also have an old Airfix magazine guide on figures which has a 95th rifleman adaption in, so one day.

But  first I will have to master kilts! I have seen your highlander, so will use that as my guide.


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  • 1 month later...

Latest addition to the collection, my attempt at a royal North British Dragoon, (Scotts Grey). Next project will be a simple adaptation of an Imperial Guardsman.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My latest figure, a small adaptation of the French Grenadier of the Imperial Guard, this is a Chasseur a pied.  Filled in the brass plate on the bearskin and filled of the bearshin granade and replaced with a white cross.  The rest was just a paint job, green epualettes with red trim, red over green plume and a green sword knot.







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  • 5 months later...

My latest was the French Cuirassier, which I found to be a really good kit, really enjoyed doing this one. However it was used to divert away from doing the Highlander, whch WILL be my next kit.



You will also notice a non airfix French Imperial Guard Engineer in the background.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the tartan paint finally arrived, so I have managed to complete the 42 Higlander.  Not a bad little kit, but it was a bit dirty, with lots of excess flashing and extra plastic, but nothing that could not be overcome.  I did enjoy paintng the tartan, three different shades of green and a blue were used, althought you cannot really distinguish the differences in the photo.  Next will be the 10th Hussar, the last one of the Airfix Naploeonics figures to make.  But I will need to replace the headgear as the 10th wore a shako at Waterloo not a busby./media/tinymce_upload/eaf5f96393d907d075cf3f1d0f2890f4.gif



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