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Android Handheld throttle slid

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I have had the android app on a 7" tablet and now on a year old smartphone. The chrome version factory default is 41 so the smartphone will not reset to 35. However I only want to control locomotives. So why is the sliding throttle so unreliable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Button pushes work okay, just not the throttle.

For comparrison I download teamviewer. Alright having to move the curser around it not ideal but at least I can control the sliding throttle everytime. This suggest to me that the problem is with the RM android app. Anyway is it not about time HRMS updated so it works with the latest version of Chrome?

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Can't disagree with the expressed sentiment.


I use Rapport banking security. Every time Chrome or Firefox come out with a major update, Rapport stops working. IBM (Rapport developers) do at least keep on the ball and update Rapport a few weeks later. Currently waiting for Rapport to be updated to work with the latest Firefox version 53.


The point I am making, is that the smaller software houses don't necessarily have the resources of the likes of IBM. But I do agree that the Chrome issue has been about for so long now that it is about time the 'APP' was updated. The developers have had plenty of time. Assuming that they actually want to continue supporting the product. That commercial decision would presumably depend upon how many Android licenses have been sold.

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Or as I have mentioned in an earlier thread, offer refunds for continuing to sell a product not fit for purpose. Unsurprisingly, Hornby had not responded to my post suggesting this. The inability to resolve this issue together with the lack of progress on loco detection will make Hornby increasingly vulnerable to competition from newer products such as the Roco Z21 which I for one am giving serious consideration to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they should start from scratch and write a proper, stand alone Android app and not rely on Chrome. Kids seem to be able to write apps and get them to work so why not Hornby Railmaster? I've tried about 6 different Android devices and not got this software to work properly, mainly due to display issues.


And I still have problems on my Windows 10 laptop with the large loco control windows when the window so often "sticks" to the cursor/pointer and I subsequently lose control. This has been reported extensively to support and hope it will be fixed in the next update. 

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No, you need JMRI software. I use it with sprog 2 for programming  as it goes beyond what can be done with Railmaster. Just tried the engine driver app for comparison purposes. I use Railmaster and team viewer for layout control.

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JMRI software sort of works using the Elite, I can control locos, lights sound functions, what I cannot get it to do is read or write cv's - decoder pro simply refuses to read, just fails with timeout error 306.

The JMRI people insist the fault is the connection between my pc and the Elite but that is rubbish because Railmaster reads and writes cv,s perfectly.

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  • 3 months later...

The engine driver android app throttle slider responds very smoothly everytime to slightest touch on 4" screen smartphone. A simple question to HRMS and Hornby customer support for that matter, why does the railmaster android handheld throttle not work the same way? Why is it so hit and miss?

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