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Bugatti Veyron magnet position


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i recently bought my sons a  Bugatti Veyron but it comes off at every corner. I initially thought that it was because the magnet was faulty as you can feel all the other cars immediately stick to the track whereas the Bugatti doesnt do it. On closer inspection I found that the magnet does work but is located half way up the underside of the body as opposed to over the rear axle with the other cars. In this mid car position it seems to be useless.

Is there a fix?

Can you buy stronger magnets?


Many thanks

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There are after market magnets available that you can either add to the car or replace the standard square one with.

I would however suggest sanding the tires first:



This will also lower the magnet to the track and make it stick better but more importantly it will improve the handling of the car.

What you can also try is opening the car up and seeing if you can lower the magnet. I am not familiar with the Veyron's chassis but you might be able to move the magnet down or remove plastic and move it down and glue it into place.

Adding magnet adds stress to the motor and it can overheat so if you do add magnets make sure the car is clean and free of lint on the inside.


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The question was posted in the DIGITAL forum.

If this toy is digital, suggest using less magnet and learn how to drive it fast.

Being stuck to the track will slow you down.

If you pop that magnet down too far and it sticks to both rails,

it will blow the chip.

All my digital use minimum magnet. 

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