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Airfix - What's your Latest Acquisition?

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  • 2 weeks later...

More for my 1940 interest bubble. Looks like I'm going to have to learn to rig biplanes properly, doesn't it?



Looks like an original 1979 boxing, complete with the instructions in French.




Desperate times, if you have to send crews across the English Channel in these planes to attack the invading German forces.




A slightly battered box, and some crusty looking vac-form transparencies, but plenty of options of which plane to choose. 


I'm going to need a bigger stash storage soon.  😆

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Working in Glasgow so dropped into Scott's Models for a chat (never got the promised cuppa though...) and saw the new Bf-109E kit.    Ever since I read "The one who got away" I have had a mental image of a diorama, basically replicating the box art, although probably with Von Werra being prodded (at bayonet point) away from his plane.

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Ages ago I posted images of a Dewoitine D520 kit from a new company to me, Mister Craft. Turns out the kit was the 1960s Heller mould with new transfers. I've been building it, and while it seems accurate, it's a bit lacking in the mod cons. I shall complete it and paint it, but I did a bit of digging around to see if there were recommendations for a better kit of the type.




Turns out this is recommended. An interesting approach to kits, too, as the fuselage and wings are moulded complete, needing no further assembly. 




To make it worth the cost of postage, I added this to my order from Hannants. I think this now covers most of the main French air force combatants in the Battle of France. 


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The Hobby Boss Easy Assembly kits are quite good, but the cockpits are simplified and they're inclined to have annoying outline errors, but the D-520 is probably one of the better ones. 


I think a couple of the those AZ Hawks might end up in my Telford swag bag.  

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The Hobby Boss Easy Assembly kits are quite good, but the cockpits are simplified and they're inclined to have annoying outline errors, but the D-520 is probably one of the better ones. 


I think a couple of the those AZ Hawks might end up in my Telford swag bag.  

The MiG-15's, especially the two-seater UTI are also reasonably good, although not much cheaper than the excellent Eduard kits if you go for a Weekend Edition boxing.

The Spitfire Vb's are okay except for the horrible canopy.

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Not real;ly a latest acquisition but I ha to make some Decals for the Revell E-III. ( I seem to be in a WW.1 mode again.) Using a scan of the old decals and Coral Draw new decals were soon done also added some Airfix E-!! & E-III decals to the art work. I now have an A5 sheet of WW.1 Decals to add to my collection. Cost R.5 that’s about 25 p. plus the cost of the decal paper.


Also added a selection of Vallejo Browns to my palette as I'm looking at some British WW.1 aircraft in my stash.


Very few new kit coming to SA at the present, the exchange rates just too high.


Remember we do this for fun                                    John the Pom

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My latest additions .....


The Supacat Jackal and Coyote together with the Infantry and Vehicle Crew Sets.


Maybe these will be the start of a growing 1:48th scale collection? But bought together they were a bargain and too good too miss.


So the BAe Warrior and Etch Set were also soon purchased.



The Emil and Gustav were also added. And I hope to build these soon  😀 

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Yes JS they should keep me going for a while. And unlike some kits which disappear into the stash, I intend to start the Gustav quite soon as I want to do a few quick builds at the moment, having recently been bogged down with a couple of lenghty builds before I try and tackle another big aircraft!  

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A visit to my LMS last Thursday for some Tamiya Masking and some Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner 


But as usual I also came away with some extra bits ..........


Paints for some Desert Air force aircraft, and ........./media/tinymce_upload/93fba7dabceaecefe95ebae98b18d22b.JPG


The Stuka and yes another Gustav  😀

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The latest was the new Airfix Wellington, though I have just ordered some new boxings of a number of Airfix releases.  One was the Martlet.  The more I look at this kit, its superb tooling and its mass of alternate parts, I reckon that it is my highest scoring kit of all time.  That's pretty good going when you judge it against the other releases.   Scores full marks on detail, ease of build, value for money, some great schemes and those alternative parts for posing the wings out and folded.  

My stash is decidedly Red these days.  Looking forward to getting some nice new 1/48th releases soon.  Hunter and Blenheim.

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Friday 2nd Nov

Auction night this evening at the Cape Peninsular IPMS here in Cape Town and reduced my stash by 3 models the Airfix HMS Warspite, and focke Wulf Mistrel ( Fw 190 A with the Ta 154 ) and a Revell (Ex matchbox) Swordfish, But I had to come away with something. I was hoping someone would donate the old Airfix Do 17E/F, but again not this year but I did pick up a very old Vintage Airfix kit almost as old as me. The old Airfix Historical Ships Revenge still in it's original plastic bag & header. The only thing not original was the Check List. I'll post pictures in the Shipsforum next week but a scan of the header will have to do for now.




The decals look a bit shot; I'll have to get some new ones printed; but the printed ratlines are there, should be fun. Are lots of memories flooding back???


Remember we do this for fun                                               John the Pom

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My latest acquisition is the 1/24 Mosquito, but that's for Christmas and I need a lot of practice before I start that one. My next build is the 1/48 new tool Hurricane, really looking forward to getting my teeth into that, looks a lovely kit.  I still have a bit more research to do, I want to do it as V6985 of 111 Sqn at Dyce in March of 1941. I know 111 used JU as an Sqn ID. Just need a bit more info on the Aircraft letter.



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My latest acquisition is the 1/24 Mosquito, but that's for Christmas and I need a lot of practice before I start that one. My next build is the 1/48 new tool Hurricane, really looking forward to getting my teeth into that, looks a lovely kit.  I still have a bit more research to do, I want to do it as V6985 of 111 Sqn at Dyce in March of 1941. I know 111 used JU as an Sqn ID. Just need a bit more info on the Aircraft letter.




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  • 2 weeks later...

My latest via the LP (Local Postie) ....


Been after a Landie Ambulance for ages and was able to get this 1 without robbing a bank



Think this about my 4th Mustang in my stash so need to start doing 1 or 2 of them  😀

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I made the mistake 😇 of visiting the IPMS Scale Model World show last weekend...




I had a lovely chat with the vendor, who I believe is the French proprietor of FRROM/Azur. The R-31 is the only Belgian aircraft, designed and built in Belgium, to have served in 1940.




I know it has some issues, but it's a Sunderland MkI. What's not to like? Well, apart from where it's going to live. I forgot how big a Sunderland actually is, even at 1/72nd scale!




An oldie, not without its problems. However, it wasn't expensive, and I like a challenge. Although the box is battered, the plastic inside is still in its sealed bag. Another one crossed off my 1940 want list.




Again, technically superseded by a modern variant from A N Other manufacturer, this 1970s boxing is well under half the price of the newer one. My theory goes if there are flaws that need working around, I'd rather do it on this kit than a really expensive one. Besides, the option is always there to get the newer kit eventually. I hadn't planned on a Stirling for my 1940 fixation, but apparently they were beginning to enter squadron service at the end of the year, albeit not at full mission strength until 1941.


I also got some tools, but they're not worth photographing.  😆


So, my stash is rapidly outpacing my storage area. I may need an urgent rethink about how I keep the growing hoard.

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