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railmaster trying to update elink software

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have purchased a new elink for use as second controller in railmaster.


railmaster program trying to update elink software.

when trying the progress bar never completes to end and switches over to opening dcc controller. this then gives a message of the elink is in up grade mode.

when trying to use the elink software version in railmaster to upgeade the software, it tries to update, then states that the elink is in the correct version.

however, railmaster cannot communicate with the elink.

any idea as to why and how to overcome this issue?



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Hi tsc, I'm assuming you are telling us you originally had one eLink and you have now bought a second?  And you do realize you can't connect both to the same track at the same time.  You can only use the second, I'm assuming controller B, to run your points and accessories on a separate bus.  Or you could use it to run locos on a completely separate layout, except you can only program your locos with controller A.


Now before you do anything else, please go to the link at the top of the forum and download and run the latest RM version, even if you have done it before.


You haven't told us much about your setup.  Can we assume that your original eLink was running correctly, all set up on a com port numbered below 5 and with the correct lines and values in your ini file for the Windows version you are running?  What is it's firmware version?  When you added the second, what com port was allocated to it and is that what you have put in RM Setup for controller B?


Assuming that's all ok, now remove your first eLink and replace it with your new one in the same USB port.  It should now be on the original com port.  What firmware version is it showing, latest or something earlier?  If earlier, go to the firmware installer downloaded with the latest version of RM you just installed and run it.  It should do the update for you, there have been no reports of people not being able to do this running it manually.


Please report back and let us know how you go.

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 thanks for advice.

first controller was an elite. trying to add elink as controller B.

system works when I reversed the above situation making elink controller A.

do not know why when all examples show it as controller B.

still will test tomorrow.




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As stated by Chris all you can do with Controller B is operate points when installed on a separate bus.

You can only operate locos and carry out programming with Controller A, regardless of which device is connected.


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spent 3 hours last night trying to get e-link to work.

tried diffrent com ports checked the baud rates etc.

as stated in my previous post only got it to work and recognise both controllers when elink was set as controller A.

perhaps railmaster is now set to use contoller A if an e-link is detected.



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I have Elite as Controller A for locos and programming and eLink for Controller B for points on a separate bus and it works fine.

I have swapped the controllers around A to B and B to A and as long as I reset the associated parameters like baud rate and com port, etc it worked fine that way as well with the eLink looking after locos and programming and the Elite operating points.

Have you checked for the associated lines in the .ini file per the sticky post setup instructions and other posts on here where it has been well covered before.


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Rob makes a good point about the railmaster.ini file. If you are using the elink as Controller B and assuming RM is installed on a Windows 7 or later PC, then you need to manually add these two 'Controller B' lines to your 'railmaster.ini file'. Use the COG icon in the RM 'Help' window screen to open the .ini file editor.


Check controller2=1

Alternative comms2=1


Add the two lines above, after (in addition to) the existing 'Controller A' lines

Check controller=n

Alternative comms=1

where n can be either 1 or 0


Ideally, all four lines above should be placed as the last four lines at the bottom of the 'railmaster.ini' file.


They will then read as (again assuming W7 or above):


Check controller=n (where your n value will either be a 1 or a 0)

Check controller2=1

Alternative comms=1

Alternative comms2=1


If missing, I would also add:

Elite feedback=1

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