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RailMaster 1.65.2

Guest Chrissaf

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RailMaster version 1.65.2 now available from the download link at the top of this forum section.


Note: text description currently still shows download as 1.65.1 but should be amended in due course.

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While it would be useful to know the answer to your question I would think support would only release info when there was something of note to announce. Annoying as it is...

They're not going to give dates becasue we all know from other vendor's too that updates and upgrades can go wrong near the date of publication.

Unfortunately we'll just have to wait to see what comes up and when. While some fixes drag on and others await implementation obviously the longer it goes with no turn around the more frustrating things become. This in turn can alienate customers, of which Hornby and its teams will be accutely aware, so hopefully sooner rather than later we will know something. Keeping all digits x'd.

There is the obvious argument that some information is better than nothing, even to say they are working at things with even a clue to what they are trying to fix and implement, therefore keeping customers and users up to date with confidence that they are at least looking into all of this for their faithful supporters.

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We have done this before on this forum after revisions, but if people would like to try the latest revision and check to see if the snags they know of are fixed or not, then I am sure HRMS would appreciate the feedback and all users would know which snags were still outstanding.


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Anyone aware of any issues yet with the minor update? Reason i ask is i have been useing Railmaster for six monthes with absolutly no problems what so ever,in fact i read all the problems people have on here and(maybe unfairly) i think what are they doing wrong as everyone has the same copy,either pro or not pro so it must be there computer at fault. Anyway i seem to be drifting off here.

After updateing to 1.65.2 i now find that when i start up Railmaster my point indications are missing and the only way to get them back is operate all the points one by one and every now and again, no real pattern to this, the points all stop responding. This lasts for about 30 or so seconds and the we are back to normal again. 

Its not any of the usuall connection issues people have its more like a program issue as all was well before the update.

May have to deregister and reinstall the new version as oposed to updateing just in case there is some corruption somewhere.

anythoughts anyone? sorry to be a bit long winded.

Just thought i always had the slide dragging the window all over the screen but so does many other people and i dont really use the big throttle so it ok.

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OK what i mean is on your track diagram there is in my case a blue animated line within the track but only on the points that chages direction when the points have thrown so at a glance you can tell the track direction.

It is this that goes AWAL 

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Right, got a bit of a development. I am so busy wathing the screen i did not notice that the points were not fireing on start up.

So checked the settings and found the "tick" missing from the check box for point setting......i have never removed this......i can only think it came out like this after the update. anywayu the point indicators are noww in place as the points have all activated.

Still seems odd that if i did not want the points to fire this would be the result.

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You do not have to deregister/reregister as any update is an overwrite of what you have which retains certain info such as registration details, trackplans, locolists, programs, etc.

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You do not have to deregister/reregister as any update is an overwrite of what you have which retains certain info such as registration details, trackplans, locolists, programs, etc.

Yes i am aware thats how it should work but my point was if it seems to be a software problem then if i deregister i can the delete the whole lot and do a clean 1.65.2 install with no overwrite.

But touch wood, it seems stable now the tick is back in the points setting box.


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One thing I always do when installing a new version is to make sure I have a copy of the .ini file.


I have found that RM sometimes make changes or adds new lines which may then upset my system. So I always compare the before and after .ini file for any relevant changes.

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