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TTS Sound Bachmann Tornado

ron 47

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Bachmann locos tend to have 21 pin sockets. Check the box and see what it says if you haven't already had the top off to look.


TTS is an 8 pin decoder with a 28mm round speaker although this can be changed to a cube if space allows.


The Hornby TTS fit is designed for tender mounting, but you can mount the decoder in the loco if that's where the socket is and extend the speaker wires to the tender.


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Hi Rob it an 8 pin but i know that there is plenty of room in the tender as i have the blue Backmann Tornado i have a lock sound chip in this but need to have a TTS as Haven got the £100 pound for a Lock sound chip

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Can you get service sheets for bacchy locos to give you an idea of space in back.


Have a look at the Mallard article on my website linked in my signature for a few clues to installing TTS to a loco decoder. Aplastic Humbrol tin with the top cut off makes a good universal speaker enclosure.


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I don't know how Bachman take power across from loco to tender and if there is any spare wires in their system but if not you can just extend the speaker wires across meaning the tender has to stay connected or you can fit a two pin plug and socket so the tender can be disconnected.


You have plenty of time to plan it out and gather the extra bits you will need. Post some pictures up of the existing connector and people may be able to suggest how to do it.


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  • 1 year later...

Yes, I actually bought the adaptor only to find when i got the body off that this must be an original Tornado as it had an 8 pin socket. Still no room to fit the TTS speaker so I planned to extend the wires and fit it the tender. But how do you get the tender body off? Two easy screws at the front and a third that is all but inaccessible. Maybe I'll try and fit it in our old Scotsman with tender drive.

Thanks anyway Sarah.

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Body fixing screws are sometimes hidden by the coupling mounts.  Try removing them and look for screws, often deeply recessed, underneath.


Sometimes the bodies are just clip fit with no fixing screws used at all.  Hornby do this with some models, not sure about other makes.

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I have a Bachmann Tornado where the tender is not electrically connected to the loco.

I fitted the TTS decoder in the loco (has 8 pin socket) and extended the speaker wires through to a speaker in the tender.

The tender top only has the two front screws (non under the coupling) so I presume you have to unhook it at the rear. 

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I have a Bachmann Tornado where the tender is not electrically connected to the loco.

I fitted the TTS decoder in the loco (has 8 pin socket) and extended the speaker wires through to a speaker in the tender.

The tender top only has the two front screws (non under the coupling) so I presume you have to unhook it at the rear. 


Many thanks for this WilliamDavid. I have just succeeded in getting the tender body off but I had to unscrew a third screw under the trailing wheels using the tiniest screwdriver I could find. Fingers crossed I can get it back on but you gave me the confidence to try again so,as I say, many thanks.


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Ditch the supplied speaker and fit a sugar cube in the loco. If needs be and you want to fit in tender buy Hornby 4 lead lih and so let to connect the loco and tender. The weak point on my TTS units has been the speaker.



Is it just a case of cutting off the Hornby speaker and soldering on a sugar cube? I've ordered one anyway. Thanks for this.


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Sorry STJ, that larlt post of mine the predicative text ran smoke.

It should say if you decide to put the speaker in the tender then use a Hornby 4 way plug and socket.

Yes it's a case of unsoldering the fitted speaker, do it at the speaker not the decoder and then solder the leads to the sugar cube speaker. 

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Sorry again so fed up with predicted text. Larlt is last. Smoke is a mock.

Anyway part number is X6113 or X9958, for the plug and socket. The expensive Noteone has a small screw with it, the bag contains both the plug and socket pre wired despite what you see in the pictures.

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