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With the release of ARC Pro due next month, I have just looked at the details that indicate it will work with the  "ARC app and a smartphone/tablet".


Now I have a windows 10 tablet and these days there seem to be  "Apps" on everything but I strongly suspect that the Scalextric ARC App is not going to work on my tablet. Does anyone know the facts?


The next thing is the wireless controllers for ARC Pro have in addition to the trigger, two buttons on the back. a lane change button and a brake button. So users of early ARC Air may not be aware they don'e have a lane change button (Although one may be hidden under the moulding!) 


Nothing yet identified in ARC Pro as to what OS the App will work on. i.e. is it compatible with all older smart devices?


Strange as it may seem, I was recently issued with some new technology in advance of a formal UK release. The company had the App up and available before the kit was released and it even had a demo mode so I could have a "play" with it first. Needless to say it works flawlessly and I was able to use it as soon as I got my new bit of technology. Why? they specifically said it was for an iphone with iOS 10 or above. No guessing there. In fact I have an older iphone (small screen by todays standards) and it just qualifies for the current OS.


I have trawled through the Scalextric site for any downloads, the is nothing whatsoever in the link to "manuals". or even for a copy of the App anywhere in "Support". 


It is very difficult to be positive about this product which has been so long in the making. Perhaps scalextric could provide some clarity on what the ARC Pro will actually work with.



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believe apps come from manufacturer of your device

as from itunes with apple

scaly spells out what devices worked originally and users update it here

you think you got it bad with gates mistake ?

have amazon fire from worlds largest retailer which is not compatible

but scaly may release code for futher development

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As communication between the device and ARC Air is  bluetooth 4.0 that is one less hurdle. My PC tablet has that. 


I was looking at Android emulators for PC's - they seem to have come on somewhat with the emulation available to match a specific Android device. So if there is a particular device that is very stable with the ARC App then it would make sense to emulate that.


I feel sure Apps are third party software, although some makers like Apple also do there own Apps like itunes which incidentally runs on my PC as well !


I have an AA App and recently there were issues wilth it that the AA had to address, so that App is not a manufacturer item. Likewise Scalextric must be responsible for there own App although they could Sub it out..

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  • 4 weeks later...

without one in hand, would expect you can import powerbase from states and use the oz powerpacks from 4 car base with it

best way to confirm powerpacks required is at slotcarillustrated scaly digital forum or just digital

mr flippant has one now or ask him at slotforum digital scaly

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Just wanted to report that my Arc Pro set will arrive Tuesday.  I'm in the US, Florida to be precise.  I'd love to let you all know how it goes, but it looks like I'm working 12 hr shifts until Saturday and won't have time to play.  From the brief video on You Tube, the software looks remarkably similar to SDCC.  I also understand that pits can take place anywhere on the track, SDCC does this as well even though we have a dedicated pitlane on a friends track.  To be honest, I haven't yet mastered SDCC so there may be some way to change this behavior.



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Twigman picked up on a serious flaw (at least I think so) in ARC Pro, I am putting the same link in here because I think it warrant a heads up.




ARC Pro seems to have been made with the idea of at least two lanes existing which are powered and isolated from each other. That of course makes switching to Analogue mode a  piece of cake but it severely limits what you can do with Digital. Scalextric really need to list the do's and don'ts with the product but It means (at least the following)


Curved lane changers will not work at all unless further modified by cutting into the rails on the change lane, putting in dead spots and rewiring so each half is powered from each lane.


Odd number of crossover track pieces not allowed.


Chicanes of two lanes into one not allowed


Power boosters fitted in fixed digital layouts may need to be doubled up removing any track to track local links.

No idea why they were unable to deliver the power to the track the same way as the APB (Advanced Power Base) but it does mean they need to keep the APB on the shelf for much longer since those fixed layouts may not be able to use ARC Pro without ripping up track! - Sort of like cutting off a dedicated part of your market!

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I sincerely hope the information I linked to in the post above is wrong. The only reasons I have been considering ARC Pro are Wireless Controllers and The App. I really did not want to further limit the layout flexibility. Since the original mod to Curved Lane Changers to allow Analogue use will no longer work it rules them out altogther due to the extensive modding they would now need. (The original mod uses a split power supply on the change lane with one rail powered from one lane and the other from the other lane). 

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