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Reading and Printing CVs for ESU Loksound with Railmaster Pro - help!

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Hi, I thought I would have a look-see on my ESU Loksound V4 to work out how the project has been setup. As I am running RM Pro I thought I'd simply read the CVs and then print them all out so I could study it rather than have to read each one individually and write them down..... oh well, it didn't go so well! The Loksound chip uses indexed CVs to determine the function of the CV values above CV257. OK, I thought, if I write the index values appropriately each time I could then read the CVs and map them out. Being able to print them out would be fantastic..... 


However, RM doesn't seem to read any values above 257 for that chip (I am running the latest version of RM) even though it is supposed to (I have the range set 1 - 999). If I write a different value to CV31 and 32 (the index registers that determine CV257 and above) I don't get any different answers. Then, it appears that the print CVs list function only goes to CV254 anyway...


I wonder if anybody else has tried this, and, what their experienc was?! Thanks, Andy

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Thanks Rob; good info Greg. I have done as Rob suggests and contacted HRMS. Having looked at the ESU manual I suspect they just used the CV table at the back to set the decoder profile which makes no mention of the indexed CVs rather than working through everything in the 88 page manual. We will see...! Thanks, Andy

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I was thinking more of comparing the individual loco sheets for basic sound functions Andy, rather than plowing through the full v4.0 manual. These leaflets are more akin to TTS level instructions.

Here is a grab of part of the Duchess leaflet.


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