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Program editor not opening


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Tried to open the editor today and it failed to open properly.(a small screen appears but I cannot expand this screen). I had used it a few days earlier without a problem.

I can open the editor on my other laptop so unlikely to be Railmaster.

I have downloaded the Railmaster download at top of forum to make sure latest files.

Does the editor require any windows program to open.

Any ideas of what to try to restore editor back to normal

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Do you mean the inbuilt 'raimaster.ini' file editor?


If you do, and the RM version won't open, then here is an alternative method.


  1. Search for and locate the file "notepad.exe" in the Windows System32 folder.
  2. Right click this file and choose "Run as administrator".
  3. When 'notepad' opens, use the 'notepad' file menu to navigate to the "railmaster.ini" file in the Railmaster program folder.
  4. Use 'notepad' to make your edits and save the changes.


Running 'notepad' as administrator prevents the 'you do not have permission' error message from appearing.


If you mean the editor for the creation and modification of timed DCC events, then I don't think it uses any particular Windows resources and is integral to RM.

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As you state that '...you can use the editor on your other laptop it is unlikely to be RM...', that holds if both revision states are the same, but more likely it is within a Windows setting on the errant laptop, such as how a window view is presented when opened and again this is Windows version dependant as to where you find it listed and how you change it.


Mine is the same as Rog's example - expand up/down but not sideways. You can adjust the width of each column but that eats into space for the others. Being able to maximise the window would be better all round.


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Opening the editor in RM, seems to be 'minimizing' RM to to the 'task bar'.


You could try the un-minimize all Windows 'Hot Key' combination to see if it will open up the editor screen. I doubt it, but worth a try.




The above snapshot capture taken from the following web page. If the above doesn't do anything, then there may be another hot key combination in the list below that will.



What happens if you left click the RailMaster task bar thumbnail image?

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Just to be clear Knap, when you hover your cursor over the little image nothing happens, is that correct? Moving the cursor to the small image should bring it up into the background and clicking on it (small image) should then make it the main screen and should make it "live" and working and the little screen disappears. I take it that this is where it is all falling over? R-

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If what Roger is describing does not happen on your system, then you would appear to have some corruption in your Windows 10 installation.


Have you got Windows 10 version 1703 or version 1709 installed? To find out, type "winver" in the start menu search box.

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Version 1709 is now available. This is a major upgrade to the earlier 1703 Creators Edition. Mine took about 3 hours to complete once I started it. You could check "Windows Update" to see if 1709 is ready for your particular PC. Installing that, may possibly correct any corruption that might be present. Installing 1709 resets your previous existing update history.

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Hi, I have had this same problem and I eventually contacted Railmaster Support who were very helpful. The problem I had was due to my copy of Railmaster being corrupted, I had to completely uninstall Railmaster and then reinstall it and since then I have had no further problems. The following are the instructions I received from Railmaster Support.

You can carry out a full reinstallation of RailMaster by carrying out these instructions carefully:-1. If your RailMaster has been deactivated you need to deactivate all keys first using the Help/About screen and the deactivate button If you have a problem deactivating read the Internet Security PDF guide to ensure RailMaster has been added correctly to your antivirus and firewall2. Make a backup of your locos, track plans and programs by copying the following files from the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder a. Resource.mdb (this stores the locos you set up) b. Files ending in .pln that you have created (track plans) c. Files ending in .prg that you have created (programs) d. Groups.dat (your loco groups)3. Go into the Window Control Panel then on to Programs and features4. Find the RailMaster entry, right click on it and uninstall5. When uninstalled, open My Computer (or Windows Explorer) and navigate to your C:Program Files (x86) folder and if RailMaster is present delete it If you cannot delete it due to permissions you will need to restart Windows in Sage mode then delete then restart in normal mode6. Download the latest installation of RailMaster from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe and save it to a temporary folder on your PC e.g. C:Temp7. When downloaded, right-click on the rm_setup.exe file and choose "Run as administrator" then install8. After installation you can copy your backed-up files back into the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder9. You can also activate the software again (you activate the Pro-Pack code within the settings screen - Loco Detection tab)I hope this is helpful
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I have taken the liberty to replicate your post with some paragraph breaks in it, to make reading a little easier. For future reference, the forum software strips out carriage returns, but only the first one. So if you put two carriage returns in your post between paragraphs as you write it, the second one will be retained. Personally, I go one step further and include a period (full stop) so that the carriage returns positions can be seen in the post edit window. I also made a couple of corrections: Sage mode in item 5 should read Safe Mode and in item 1 in the list "has been deactivated" should read "has been activated".


Hi, I have had this same problem and I eventually contacted Railmaster Support who were very helpful. The problem I had was due to my copy of Railmaster being corrupted, I had to completely uninstall Railmaster and then reinstall it and since then I have had no further problems.


The following are the instructions I received from Railmaster Support.


You can carry out a full reinstallation of RailMaster by carrying out these instructions carefully:-


1. If your RailMaster has been activated, you need to deactivate all keys first using the Help/About screen and the deactivate button If you have a problem deactivating read the Internet Security PDF guide to ensure RailMaster has been added correctly to your antivirus and firewall.


2. Make a backup of your locos, track plans and programs by copying the following files from the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder.


a. Resource.mdb (this stores the locos you set up).

b. Files ending in .pln that you have created (track plans).

c. Files ending in .prg that you have created (programs).

d. Groups.dat (your loco groups).


3. Go into the Window Control Panel then on to Programs and features.


4. Find the RailMaster entry, right click on it and uninstall.


5. When uninstalled, open My Computer (or Windows Explorer) and navigate to your C:Program Files (x86) folder and if RailMaster is present delete it If you cannot delete it due to permissions you will need to restart Windows in Safe Mode then delete then restart in normal mode.


6. Download the latest installation of RailMaster from www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe and save it to a temporary folder on your PC e.g. C:Temp.


7. When downloaded, right-click on the rm_setup.exe file and choose "Run as administrator" then install.


8. After installation you can copy your backed-up files back into the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder.


9. You can also activate the software again (you activate the Pro-Pack code within the settings screen - Loco Detection tab).


I hope this is helpful

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