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RM version 1.67 now available

Guest Chrissaf

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A new version of RM is now available on the download link. The previous version file was 73,371,581 bytes. Today's version is 73,374,391 bytes. The release notes (extract below) indicate that the version is updated to 1.67 but oddly the file itself still reports in properties to be 1.66.1 not only that but the release notes state the RM manuals have been updated, but the front cover of the new manual still shows the Aug 2017 date (the file size is bigger though indicating that it is an updated document).


Anyway who is going to be first to install and report back findings?





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Post Update:


I reported my version number discrepancy findings to HRMS via email and got this reply within a few minutes. So be aware, if you download and install this new version today, then you will probably need to do it again in a few days time if you want the updated version numbering showing:


This is correct Chris.


The full 1.67 update will be released within the next few days.




RailMaster Support


PS - This initial 1.67 RM release, still shows 1.66 in the yellow version number box bottom right of the screen. And still shows 1.66 in the Windows Control Panel for Installed Programs. I would expect that these will show 1.67 in the next release.


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HRMS has said in reply to me that the sticking to mouse throttle issue is a Microsoft problem and as such they can't fix it so we are stuck with it.


Maybe our PC guru AC could confirm/refute the possibility of that for us.


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But didn't HRMS state in a previous post that they were going to re-write the slider sub routine in RM to try and fix the problem. Or is my memory failing me?

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HRMS has said in reply to me that the sticking to mouse throttle issue is a Microsoft problem and as such they can't fix it so we are stuck with it.


Maybe our PC guru AC could confirm/refute the possibility of that for us.


And they said to me that no one else was getting the same problem(s) that I was, until I pointed to others that were. If it's a MS issue then it's very, very odd it doesn't happen elsewhere. I have had my laptop now for 5 years and only with RM have I ever had a problem with the cursor/pointer. 

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Although not shown in the release notes I can say that if you double click in CV7 you can pull down the correct decoder which will then force the correct set of CVs to load allowing  you to re-read those values.


This was supposed to be in v1.66.1 Previously but as it was not advertised no one tripped over it.


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Although not shown in the release notes I can say that if you double click in CV7 you can pull down the correct decoder which will then force the correct set of CVs to load allowing  you to re-read those values.


Isn't that the third bullet in the screenshot from Chris' original post?  "Facility in Loco CVs editing to force any other decoder"

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It doesn't happen if the revision number changes, but if the version number changes (e.g. from 1.66 to 1.67), then, yes, Railmaster should detect this when loading, provided of course, that your pc has an internet connection.

 If you take a look at the file log.txt in the RM folder, you should see some entries such as these:-

Checking for program updates (primary)

Checking for updates available in English

Checking available version: 1.66.0 against current: 1.66



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The download link seems to be working again, but still downloads the same file as before. That is to say, no further update to the previous one. I will keep daily monitoring for changes as I normally do. It's still very strange that the 'release notes' clearly state 1.67, but the files internally report 1.66

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I have a strange issue on two of my tablets after the recent download.

The bottom RH window shows 1.66 rev1, whereas my main tablet, with PRO, shows 1.66 rev 0.

The system settings window now shows the loco detection wndow on both settings.

I have fixed this on one tablet by downloading a previous version.

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