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Fitting a Decoder in R3086 Flying Scotsman


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I have a DCC Ready Flying Scotsman into which I am trying to fit an R8249 Decoder. Are there any instructions for this? There doesn't seem to be anything specific with the decoder.

Are the instructions given for the R2441 Flying Scotsman Decoder Installation at https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/hornby-dcc/decoder-installation-guides/r2441-flying-scotsman-decoder-installation suitable to use?

Is it as basic as covering the decoder with insulation tape, blanking of the end of the Purple wire which I don't think I need, and taping the pieces in a suitable place? This all seems very primitive for a complex piece of electronic equipment.

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Yes the R2441 is probably the best guide as that is a plug in DCC ready version, similar to yours.

Best not to use insulting tape as the glue isnt good for decoders, use a het shrink tube sleeve insted but dont shrink it.


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I wouldnt use anything with glue, not even double sided pads on a decoder. Who knows what affect the glue will have on the electronics.

I prefer heat shrink sleeving and use double sided to anchor that.

If using just tape then stick it to the loco metal bits as insulation not the decoder.


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 Not a reply but some advice, just bought R3081 NRM Flying Scotsman for my grandson for Christmas, from Locomotion, not even out the box, I have the TTS sound already at home waiting to fit, does anyone know if the decoder fits tender or engine, just tryig to do some prep before I get home tonight in case I need to get some bits on the way home!

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Steve Lloyd Cole.


R3081 features on Hornby Service Sheet 388B (downloadable from this Hornby site).


The extract below shows that the Decoder & Speaker go in the tender. See my yellow highlighting.


Note item 10 on the left. This is a 4 wire connector that plugs the loco and tender electrically together. The 4 wires carry the motor wires from the decoder to the loco motor and the pickup wires from the loco to the decoder in the tender. Hornby make a special plug extractor tool [ X6468 ] that is used to remove the plug from the socket. It is wise to use this tool rather than your fingers else you risk breaking off the delicate wires from the plug.




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