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Elite Operate Programming Mode (Programming on the Main)


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Programming on the Main (POM) using Elite Operation Mode works fine but whilst you can write values to CVs you can’t read back from them on the main. The main difference is you have to designate the decoder address you want to write to so that only that loco is affected when you call up the CV you want to change the value of.


Despite what the manual tells you about not being able to change an address on the main, it is as simple as first confirming the existing address, then writing a new value into CV1 (short address) or CVs 17 then 18 (long address).


Long address calculator available at 2mm.org site or you can work it out yourself using this convoluted method:

  • Divide the desired long address by 256 (e.g. address 2000 / 256 = 7 remainder 208)
  • Add 192 to the answer (192 + 7 = 199)
  • Write this number into CV17 (199)
  • Write the remainder from the first stage into CV18 (208)
  • Note bit 5 of CV29 must be set to 1 to enable long addressing (CV29 calculator also at 2mm.org)

Much easier to use the Elite long addressing facility direct.


You can change accel and decell and TTS sound volume values on the hoof by way of POM. The Elite also uses POM and Railcom to manage the fuel/water/coal burn and top up facility in the Sapphire decoder.



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Thanks RAF96. I am mainly interested in adjusting Acceleration & Deceleration control. I saw someone in another forum say they changed this on the main line depending what load the loco was pulling or if it was running light engine. I thought it was a good idea. Or even just to to tweak these settings once the loco has been programmed. Elite manual says read back is possible if your decoder supports RailCom. I don't know if any of the decoders I have support this. I don't really know why you'd want to change the loco address on the main. I use long addressing relating as close as possible to the loco's number...

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Some controllers do not have a separate programming output e.g. Select so you are effectively programming on the main even if you swap the wires over to a separate programming track. Probably why it is so limited as to what it can program.


Usually the use of feedback via Railcom is for operational purposes like coal burn or speed and direction, etc.


Live adjustment of accel and decell is a typical use of POM.


The only reason I used POM for decoder readdressing was due to my Elite Prog output having failed, so it was my only option. I did take the precaution of connecting a separate piece of track for the task.



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 I am mainly interested in adjusting Acceleration & Deceleration control. I saw someone in another forum say they changed this on the main line depending what load the loco was pulling or if it was running light engine.


Decoders with BEMF already have load compensation, that's it's purpose I believe so probably no need to alter CVs...........HB

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Yeah but if you have, say, one of the new Hornby Duchesses or a modern Diesel model on a layout where you can only fit 5 or 6 coaches, that's not going to be enough load for BEMF to make any difference. Anyway, I would have thought BEMF would sort of work the other way...

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