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Glitches in RM track view ?

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A screen capture showing these symbols would help. Use the 'black & white' hill icon in the post tool box to upload an image [.JPG or .PNG]. Images posted out of hours during a weekend, won't appear until Monday.

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But there is a small window like -box?


Could this small Window like box be the one shown in the image below. If it is, then that is supposed to be there. It is the track plan magnification selection box.



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He actually said:


"But there is a small window like -box? that has nothing to do with the layout showing and a bracket type character to the far upper right also showing."


That statement can be read in more than one way. It could read that only the 'bracket character' is in the upper right, but the Window box could be anywhere on the screen, it's location is not specifically stated. It could also be read, as you have read it, that both items are in the upper right corner. Take your pick. A posted screen shot as requested will remove all possible ambiguity.

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 Thanks guys,

It is a tiny yellow rectangular box like the ones that have the point numbers in them.

The 'bracket' is part of the grid underlay. The very top left edge of it. Two intersecting grey lines. Sorry, I said far upper right in my original post.

Nothing gets rid of these. Opening, closing etc. I have been into the editor and spent some time trying to find these 'ghost' objects.

Not a big issue, but they are distracting. Like seeing crumbs on your table 😀

I'll try and send a screen shot later.

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I have reported in artifacts and point number boxes appearing when I change zoom levels, but await a fix.

My artifacts are in the shape of 2 opposing triangles arranged vertically in the points button area and the points numbers which are selected off are all over the place.

Stop and restart cures the problem until I change zoom again.


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