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Train Tech One Touch Signals


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Once again, I need help from you experts. I've recently been given 3 Train Tech One Touch Signals with no instructions! I understand I have to add them to my DCC Select controller. Can anybody please take pity on me and give me step by step instructions on how to do this. I have managed to fit the signals to the track and they all light up. I also need to know what to do so that the signals are synchronised.



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SS, as Rob says the TT website has downloadable manuals for the DS One Touch range. There are 9 different signal versions in the range, so it is impossible to give you a 'step by step' without knowing exactly what versions you have got. This is one of those situations where you will just need to sit down with your products and the correct manual user guides and experiment.


Follow the links on this TT page to the particular products you have been given and you will find downloadable PDF manuals as listed below:



I have seen individual PDF manuals for the following signalling product codes:












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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been trying and failing to synchronise Train Tech Sensor Signals with my DCC Select controller.


Can you define what you mean by the word "synchronise". Do you mean operate your TT signals with your Select or do you mean configure (program) your TT signals with your Select?


Remember, that to configure (program & setup) TT signals, you completely ignore the configuring accessory decoder descriptions on page 27 of the 1.5 Select manual. The instructions in the manual are completely irrelevant to configuring a TT signal and are not in any way applicable.


Also please state the TT signal model number in your next reply, for example DS1, DS3 or SS2 etc.

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And please - EVERYONE - use meaningful titles to your queries - then others with perhaps the same question can find the answer!

Re the Train Tech signals. Dont they use their own control unit located on your control panel? Or if the o/p meant the sequential ones, they synchronize themselves via the link wire between them, with an over-ride from the master control unit - again located on your control panel.


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Note that the next five posts below this one, have been moved here from a second thread started by Phil that was basically a continuation of this topic.

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FOLLOW UP to my previous posted reply.


In your other earlier post, you say you have been given THREE TT signals, but as yet, nowhere have you told us the model numbers of these three TT signals. Again you have used the word "Synchronise", but haven't defined exactly what you want to synchronise.


For example:

Do you want to synchronise a TT signal to a point operation?


Do you want to synchronise the TT signal to the other TT signals?


If we assume the former, then you would give BOTH the point AND the TT signal the SAME DCC address. Since you have a Select controller, the address you use would have to be in the 61 to 99 range. But it gets more complicated than that if the TT signals you have been given are 3 or 4 aspect signals, as these signals need two DCC addresses.


If you mean the later, you want to synchronise the changing of the signals so that the signals go through their colour changing sequence so that for example an upstream signal going red makes the previous downstream signal go yellow and the one prior to that go green (3 aspect signalling). This can easily be done fully automatically using TT signals from their SS range. If you have signals from the DS range then I believe that you cannot implement this 3 and 4 aspect form of AUTOMATIC signal colour synchronisation just using your Select.


The DS instructions infer that you can get signal synchronisation by giving the DS signals the same DCC address, but it goes on to say "some signals" and gives the example of a 'Home' and 'Distant' 2 aspect signal. It is my interpretation that this "give the signal the same address" synchronisation is limited and not implementable across the whole of the DS range to any usable effect. The TT demonstration video is also careful to ONLY use the 2 aspect 'Home' / 'Distant' synchronisation as their videoed example on their website.


Logically, if you could synchronise 3 and 4 aspect DS signals this way, then there would be no need for TT to later develop the SS signal range that does just that. But this is just my interpretation and I am more than willing to be proven wrong by somebody using these DS signals without RailMaster with some higher level of automation than I can envisage.


The reason that I believe this synchronisation is limited, is that if you have say four 4 aspect signals in a route and you give them all the same DCC address, then I cannot see how the four different signals will know what colour to change to when they are ALL sent the same addressed DCC packet to do the same thing. I can however, see how the 'Home' / 'Distant' example that TT document in the instructions would work with a single DCC address and it becomes even clearer as to how this would work when one reviews the demonstration video on the TT website. I suspect that you will find that without RailMaster to control them, you can only change them manually with your Select. This would be somewhat borne out by your own experience of not being able to get synchronisation to work (assuming you have been given TT DS signals).


Note: the five posts above have been moved here to this previous topic thread as a continuation of the original topic.

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Your description of what you are trying to achieve now makes some sense.


To 'configure' the DS1:


  1. Plug the TT DS1 signal onto your track so that the green signal light comes on.
  2. Take something like a paper clip, bend it so that you can use it to touch the two metallic contacts on the base of the signal shorting them together, the red and green lights should start flashing alternatively.
  3. Decide what address you want to give the signal, which with the Select must be between 61 and 99.
  4. On the Select controller use the keypad to enter the address you have chosen from the 61 to 99 address range. The address you have chosen should display in the LCD screen.
  5. Now press the left arrow key followed by the right arrow key on the Select keypad. Wait for two seconds between the arrow button presses.
  6. The DS1 signal should now stop flashing alternatively and return to a 'steady light'.
  7. The DS1 is now configured with the DCC address you chose.


To test, On the Select, key in the address you chose for the DS1 signal so that it appears in the Select LCD display. Now when you press the left and right arrow keys on the keypad, the signal colours should change. In this case being a DS1, between red and green.


PS - This is in essence the same as what "Jane2" said in the post on page 1 of this topic thread, all I have done is embellish it with a bit more detail.

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