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Fitting extra pickups to tenders


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Hi folks,

I'm trying to get some information regarding fitting extra pickups to tenders of locos with jerky/unstable slow running.

I see there are lots of bits available to buy for doing this job but I'm confused as to how to actually do it.

I have a loco tender with 3 solid metal axles. Obviously I can't fit wipers to both sides of the tender so how can I get the picks fitted?

Do I have to change the axles?

Any advise gratefully accepted.



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Obviously I can't fit wipers to both sides of the tender


What makes you think that?


If you are thinking that the individual wheels on each side of the tender are not insulated from the axle and that is the reason why you can't put additional wheel wipers on each side of the tender. Then that thought is wrong. If the wheels weren't insulated, then they would short out the track.


I have a loco tender with 3 solid metal axles.


They might look like solid wheel axles, and you might not see the insulators, but they will be there. As said above, if the wheels aren't insulated, then a solid wheel axle would short the track. If you have a multi-meter set to resistance Ohms you might find one of the wheels is in contact with the axle, but not the other wheel.



Some of the really old style locos had pickup arrangements where the tender wheels on ONE side provided the electrical return path for the other pick-ups on the main loco. These type of tenders wouldn't lend themselves to easily being modified.


EDIT: In light of Rob's comment below. Obviously these comments are not applicable to 3 Rail Dublo locos, for which you made no reference to, if that is the case.

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Thanks for the responses.

Chris - your signature sums it up - making the wood in the trees visible ! 

Why didn't I twig to the fact that the wheels must be insulated.

I've today received a pack of DCC Concepts add on wiper pickups - tomorrow will see if I can get this project sorted.

Thanks everyone.

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I received a pack of those DCC Concept wipers in the post just this Monday, they are far smaller in the flesh than they look in the product images. So far, I have used one of them to equip a mineral wagon with a rear flashing red lamp (LED). I found one had to be very finicky to get the tension in the spring contact just right. Too far apart and the drag wouldn't allow the wheel to turn, too close together and potential intermittent loss of electrical conductivity. But apart from that, a very good product and very easy to fit. I particularly liked the pre-tinned solder pads. It made connecting the wires extremely quick and easy. I used the supplied self tapper in a pre-drilled pilot hole to mount it. I found that was more than adequate and didn't need any additional gluing. You only have one chance to get the hole in the right place as there is very little tolerance in positioning the gold plated wiper pads on to the rim of the wheels (on wagons with small wheels). So don't start drilling, until absolutely sure that the drill bit is in exactly the right place.

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Hi All, 

Update on fitting extra tender pickups is a complete success.

I fitted 2 of the DCC concepts pickups to the tender of a Bachmann Class 5 and ran the wiring through a tiny hole drilled into the firebox door.

Really pleased with the resulting smooth running of the engine.

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