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Forum Help needed from RM ProPack users with my HRMS Support request

Guest Chrissaf

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RM support has asked that anyone who gets the same error regarding the two throttle display screens to send in a support request. They will not do anything until someone else reports this error.

Here is their reply to my request :-

2 Quote from RM Support -

Dear Mike


We have to be careful in trying to fix that as we cannot recreate it and do not want to cause problems in other areas.


You say that "many others have the same issue" yet you are the only person to have contacted us about this.  If there are others that you know can you also ask them to contact us becuase the more information we have the speedier we can resolve this for you.



RailMaster Support

Thanks all.

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Mike, your post above moved and retitled to get the best chance of getting the support from the forum membership you requested.


The post originally posted by mikejj101 is reproduced here (below) and it is the post to which his request above relates.


The post reproduced below can be seen in its original context on this link:



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hi All, Quick question regarding the display of the sound function buttons when 2 loco controllers are overlaid over the track plan.


The first one you open displays all the function buttons and their relevant 'F' numbers - i.e. F1 through to F15 or whatever you have as your last function. When you open the second overlay display you only get F1 through F9 displayed - thereafter it just shows F1. See screen grab below.




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: it did transpire that the conclusion was that the panel on the left was showing the proper F numbers in blue, but the black text label was obscuring the second function number after the 1.

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I am unsure after reading the last line above after the dotted line if we are being asked to resubmit this error or if the post is telling us that the fault is now recognised as he says.

My contribution in the linked original thread states that I had seen and already reported the problem.


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For clarity, the last paragraph I added was what I paraphrased from the contributions made by forum members in the original topic thread. This thread above is aimed at ProPack users who can see the same display on their ProPack RM installation and asking them to report the observation using the within RailMaster support request feature as requested by Mike. Mike is looking for as many reports as possible so that HRMS give his issue more credence.


It has to be ProPack users, because RailMaster standard edition does not have the dual large throttle feature.

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Hi All,

Thanks Chris.

RM support seem a little disconnected from this forum. Why should you have to report or request support before anything is done to 'fix' an issue. Surely if the members on this forum all complain of an issue or similar problem then it should be looked at and answered by RM support on this forum. Let's hope a few others who have this display issue respond and actually contact support. I know it's not really causing a problem to running a few trains but would be nice to get it fixed. Here's hoping.

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As I stated in the original thread this is an old fault I have previously reported.


I have reported it again just now using two similar locos . The 1st is on the left and the second on the right where you can clearly see masking of the second digit in the F-numbers..





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I have also reminded HRMS that the loco list keeps putting the wrong pictures in my loco list. Anyone else seeing this is asked to bang in a report.

In addition the onboard resize loco picture does not seem to work.


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I have just tried three times unsuccessfully (error 12031) to send a Help Request through RM with regard to this problem. I'll email them directly instead and will include this image of my two large throttles:-





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I sent two reports in today and both said they failed on the first attempt. I just hit send again and they were OK second time around. I find it is advisable not to do anything else on the PC when the report is sending, else it tends to fall over.

I always send a report first so that RM gets the log file, etc then follow up with screen grabs after they respond just to keep the case files together.



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If this technique (getting other members to report the same problem) is successful in getting it fixed, then maybe others can post their "pet" problem and ask other members to repeat and report to HRMS. For example, I have an interesting one "on the go" concerning the operation of a Hornby turntable .......



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I have had a long running one whereby only my Blue Rapier does not go back to stop if I have scale speed selected and  it is operated from the second throttle (Pro-Pack). None of my other locos do this.


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  • 1 month later...

I have also re-reported that my loco list keeps swapping or losing pictures,....

I remember reporting this back in 2015 or even earlier, it drives me up the wall! In my observation it often occurs when editing locos which follow one with a user defined picture.

I will raise again.

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I have had feedback today from HRMS that in terms of the F numbers getting obscured on the throttle controllers, that this has been fixed in the next release due on a few days.


No update yet though on the loco list problems.

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