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Digital Track Radius - 90 Degrees Lane Change C7007/0/9/10/11


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We also have the pit lanes (C7014 and C7015) which can be used to fan-out to 3 or more lanes. This can be a fun feature too. But sadly no more curved lane changers - although there is still some new old stock around if you look hard enough.


Hope this helps :-)

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  • 6 months later...

Maybe we should start a petition for the return of split 90 degree lane changers so that we can create lane change chicanes without having to cut up the track.  Only make two 2-piece variants, both of which are IN to OUT (Left and Right) which are wired to work with ARC Pro.  All the design work has been done already!

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I agree with you Sealevel... in my opinion curved lane changers add some nice race realism... if the inner lane is clear... a driver in the outer lane can shorten their race line by switching to the inner lane... which always looks nice and (hopefully) saves a few mS. So why did the curved changers disappear? And how do we (politely) encourage their re-introduction?


If there is any remaining design issue... I am happy to volunteer a solution... more lane change options would be nice... please...



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Well if someone makes something that is compatible there is nothing Hornby can do legally to stop you, as long as you don't use their name when describing it. Like all the Lego knockoffs and clones say "compatible with popular building bricks". You can say for example: "Compatible with British digital slot car system" bur you can't say "Sclaextric SSD compatible" Unless of course you get permission from them.

Given they have given out the BLE for ARC and I have a funny feeling maybe the firmware might get released some year I don't think they are too difficult to deal with.

Anyway, there is a guy in the US making Ninco digital lane changers. He makes the track and you have to put in the hardware/electronics.

You could 3D print a curve the way you want and then put in the electroncs.

Getting the rails in and getting the surface to be similar might be tricky though...

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I agree with Dr_C that more lane change options would be good. The straight lane changers are the most useful and versatile for racing and overtaking, but I like the in-to-out curved lane changers that offer a racing line through technical sections. The easing of the radius give the quickest line, the out-to-in versions tighten the radius requiring slower speed and increased risk of de-slot.


There are still plenty of curved changers coming up new & used on eBay. There are modifications available to make them ARC Pro compatible. There is also the modification putting the sensor in a curved piece of track, making them more versatile - rather than always having to be preceded by a half straight.


If Scalextric don't have plans for reintroducing the curved changers, then I guess the field is open for modified versions of the old changers to be made available on eBay etc, rather like the pit pro pit lane sensors and dongle to connect the Advanced Power Base to a USB port.

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I am not sure I understand the question. Why would the number of lanes matter?

You can make a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 lane digital track and as long as all the cars pass the Arc Pro Powerbase the software is the same for managing the race.

The same goes with track planning. It is the same as analog just you inster digital pieces.

The bigger question is, why would you need so many lanes when the maximum number of cars is 6?

I have seen many layouts that fan out to 3 or 4 lanes for part of the course but very few that are four lane all the way around.

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Thats the point.   I want to increacse the number of cars in a race.  With a four lane you can have up to 12 cars, two c7042 power bases, but no sincrinization for lap counting.  As it stands now, I would have to break the track back down to two lanes as it passes the lap counter.  Is this the only solution?

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I should have read this before I replied to your other post 😀


No, I don't think there is any software that will currently sync the two powerbases. I suspect the problem will be that the two sets of cars will have the same digital IDs (two ID1, two ID2, two ID3 etc). That would probably require a hardware and/or a firmware modification to solve.


At the moment, the easiest way to run more than six cars on Scalextric track is to use Slot.it Oxigen, although that is a significant investment. I believe Dr_C might be working on an SSD alternative - we'll have to wait for him to give us a progress report...

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