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Suitable tts decoder for class 59 Vale of York


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The class 59 locomotive was fitted with an E.M.D. 16-645 turbo diesel.......the closest TTS decoder at present might be the Class 40, only on the basis that the original is also fitted with a Vee 16 turbo diesel so probably a similar sound......this decoder comes with a rectangular speaker which would be worth trying before you buy an alternative..........the size of 'sugar cube' speaker you will have to determine when you take the top off.......for a good choice of speakers have a look here.....  http://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Shop.php?L1=Speakers  ..........HB

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I would suggest using the Class 66 TTS decoder  - the 710-12 in the 66 and 645-16 in the 59 are two stroke units with a distinct sound and are all descended from the EMD 567 series. 


The Class 40 had a four stroke EE 16SVT, which I will admit to never hearing, should be quite different to the EMD sound from the 59.

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Hello Both,  thanks for your replies. Think I'll try the Class 66 decoder, I'm not too fussy but just wanted advice as to what would sound suitable, I have no TTS diesels at present.  I'll also try the supplied speaker at first.  Thanks for your help. 

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If you aren’t Bothered about it being 100% then the 66 will be fine, if you watch a video of a class 66 and. 59 on YouTube you will see that they sound similar, if you watch a 66 and a 67 you will struggle to tell the difference at all as they both use the same engine.

im not sure why you would want a sugar cube in a class 59, sugarcube speakers are useful for when there is limited space but a Hornby 59 has loads of space available. I’d suggest a speaker something like this: http://roads-and-rails.co.uk/store/p74/Square_Megabass_Speaker.html

but even the standard speaker properly sealed would be better than a sugarcube

the 67 has space for a speaker in the tanks, again it can be improved by upgrading the speaker, this one is a direct fit: http://roads-and-rails.co.uk/store/p77/Bass_Enhanced_Speaker_20x40mm.html


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Thanks for both replies, a 66 TTS doesn't seem to be available till later in the year, that's why I decided to try my class 67 - 67018 RAPID, which, incidentally, is on youtube...showing starting up with the start horn...also useful gen re the various speakers available... 

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