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DCC Cobalt and Elite Installation Positive Outcomes, but...........


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Hi, new to DCC and new to the Forum. Just started the hobby in January. I have reached the stage where I have laid the track (Hornby 100), The points (P*co Electrofrog x 12) and installed the point motors. (Digital Concepts IP Digital x 12). The accessory bus (points) and track bus are separate but both fed from my Hornby Elite (Firmware V 1.41) The points have been altered as per DCC Concepts advice. Both buses, droppers and point motor wiring conforms to advice researched on this and other sites regarding size and resistance requirements etc. The track bus is separated into 2 districts with each district having a terminator fitted. The accessory bus does not have terminators fitted as yet, nor do I yet have resistors fitted between the accessory bus and the power in to the point motors. Each point is isolated from the track by IRJ‘s and has its own power supply linked to the track bus.

I programmed the Cobalts using the instructions uploaded by bulliedboy-Jan 2016 (big thank you) copied across from TWD’s comments (bigger thank you) and the process worked. However, the only way I can access each point is by using the ESC button to scroll through the list rather then by pressing one of the numbers on the numeric key pad and furthermore, every time I turn off the Elite I have to reinstall the Colbalt addresses which I have to do in the following way.

Turn on the Elite

Press Acc once and 0001 shows on the screen. With this I can control point 1 but nothing else.

Press Acc again and the display shows Control Adr: 0001 then by turning Controller Button 1 or 2 change the address to 0002 and press either CB 1 or 2 to register point 2, repeat the exercise, turn CB 1 or 2 to 0003 press either CB and point 3 is registered and so on until all 12 point motor are registered. I then press the ESC button and all the points operate but only by scrolling through each one to select the point I wish to move. I would have thought that the points should be able to be selected by, pressing the ACC button and selecting the point via the numeric pad or by turning eithe CB 1 or 2. Also once registered on the Elite thempoints should remain fix in memory. I tried programming Via the number pad but with the same results! I’m obviously missing out a vital stage is the process and would welcome any advice as to how to solve this niggle. Apologies for the lengthy missive.

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No you are not missing anything, the methodology you have described is exactly the way the Elite is used. There are no 'Accessory Operating' shortcuts. The Elite controller does not have 'non volatile memory', it does not remember a running session once you turn it off.


It will remember any 'Loco Names' you program in to the Elite, which are then lost if you upgrade the firmware or perform a factory reset of the Elite. But 'Loco Naming' does not have any impact on Accessory point controls.


The only way you could solve this niggle, is to control your Elite using RailMaster (RM) software. All the layout configurations are saved in RM and are loaded when you run RM. You then don't have to remember anything, as RM provides a point and click visual icon interface. You could if you prefer, still control the locos using the Elite knobs and buttons and just use the RM screen for the points. Or control everything (locos & points) from within RM. The choice would be yours.


You can buy RM from Hatton's via their 'discounted to sell' price of £5 plus £2 UK delivery. Of course you would then need a Laptop or PC to run RM on as it is Windows software (no MAC version is natively available).


You could 'try before you buy'. Download RM from the link at the top of the forum RailMaster sub-forum and install it in 'Evaluation Mode'. The evaluation mode would limit you to just a couple of points and a couple of locos. But once everything is set up and working and you decided that you wanted to continue using RM for your layout control, then you would upgrade it to the full working copy by inputting the 'Software License Key' printed on the purchased CD packaging (from Hatton's). Once licensed, you could then add the rest of your points and locos to it.


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Hi Chrissaf, 

Thanks for the speedy response and the explanation. I’m pleased to learn the process undertaken (and ably set out by TWD and bulliedboy) was after all correct and that I wasn’t programming in error. I will follow your advice re RM and download the Evaluation Mode software and give it a try.

thank again

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Hi CDRC and welcome to the Forum,

The combination of RailMaster software and the Elite controller is very popular and used by many on here.  It is also very flexible in that if you just want to operate your trains, you can do that just from the Elite and don't even need to switch RM on.  However, RM also has the ability to allow you to write or record programs of all aspects of your layout, amongst many other features.


As Chris has pointed out, it is currently extremely highly discounted at Hatton's and that gives you the full version, with a licence.  Incidentally, if you do purchase it after running the trial, all you have to do is enter the licence code into the trial version.  Do not load from the official one you purchase as it will be an older version of the RM software than the download.

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Hi CDRC, a couple of suggestions to add to what Chris and RDS have said, they are somewhat related and can be done in either order:


First, you might like to upgrade your Elite to latest version 1.44 firmware.  You’ll find a recent reference as to how to go about this in Chris‘s posts.


If you have not already installed the evaluation copy of RM, install the Elite driver for Windows before you do (you will have already installed the driver if you’ve already upgraded its firmware), and make sure it is attached and switched on when you install RM.  That way, RM should create the railmaster.ini correctly configured for your setup.  If you’ve installed before the Elite is operating, the ini file will need editing, and lots on here about that too, again via Chris’s posts. 

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You can also name your points on the Elite same as you can locos and also lodge them as favourites, although I never found the Favourites feature much use.


The points address not being retained upon power off is no different to the loco addresses being lost at power off. Its a current session running list scrollable as you know using the ESC button (last 10 of each).


Choosing a point is the same as choosing a loco. Select ACC button, enter the point number and away you go. How you operate a point depends upon Elite firmware version. Old versions you press the same speed knob repeatedly to change direction and later versions you press the left and right speed knobs for each direction.


I posted a list on here somewhere recently of the changes made from v1.3 up to v1.44.



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Hi CDRC  - I didn't see it mentioned, but don't forget you can also operate your Cobalt iP's with an on-off-on toggle switch (sprung to the centre - off position). This is additional to the DCC (Elite) operation - it's a lot quicker. You can also operate Dapol electric signals by wiring them into you Cobalts - they do need a separate power supply (mine uses a 6v DC supply). BB

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