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What is the best decoder for Lima and old Hornby.


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Depends on how much your motors stall current is and what space you have for the decoder.  You need to find out the stall current of the motor first and to assertain if the models are in good running order and condition as DCC will show up any running faults.  All locos converted should be good runners, have clean wheels and have good lubrication or have been recently serviced..

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This should be in the DCC threads - -

and people are still using the 'repeat post' instead of the 'reply to' buttons

PLEASE scroll down to the empty white section, put your words in there, and reply with the GREEN button, then your response doesn't get lost in what has been put previously!

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@ Australian model rail road

I have removed your 'empty' post, that was just a copy of the SoT post, without anything added.

(Please note that the best way to reply to a post is just to use the white box at the bottom of the screen and the Green button, rather than the Blue button)

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SoT mentioned finding out the "Stall Current" of the old locos to be converted. 'How To' do this is documented here:



The motor magnets loosing magnetism and the effect of this on current drawn is demonstrated in this video:

The video is based upon X03/04 open frame motors, not 'Ringfield' but the principle explained is the same.

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On the subject of DIY magnetisers have a look at this...




Based upon what I see in that article I reckon you could use a CDU as used for firing solenoid points and instead of firing a point motor you fire the magnetiser coil.


I don’t have the time nor the inclination to make one but would be interested to know if my theory would translate into practice.


You can buy one 



Or just for the fun of it you could design a bespoke unit specific to your motor.....

https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.5006442    😇



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Think about how you will remagnetise the magnet.

In a ringfield motor it tends to be circular although some have twin arch shaped magnets.


...using the old ‘stroking’ method with another magnet needs to be done in the correct direction to keep the poles correct else you will end up worse off than now.


At least the proper pulse magnetisers will reliably flash a magnet in one go with a known ‘charge’.



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