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After Updating Elite.


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Hi folks,

I have just updated my Hornby Elite to 1.44 ( took a few times to get it, but ok now), 

I just wondered, if I need to re program my Loco's, for my Elite, ( and Loco,s), to work ok ?

Thanks for any info.


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And the reason for Rog’s short answer is because the loco addresses are held in each loco decoder not in the Elite, which forgets what it has been controlling in a session at the point you switch it off.


The only thing an Elite remembers is if you have named a loco or point and/or allocated it to a favourites list.



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... Sorry I think i goofed trying to reply ...


A very easy thing to do Richard and not helped by the fact that the Blue Button that you obviously used, does probably look like it is the correct way to reply.  However, all it does is to repeat the entire post to which you are replying and gives it a yellow background.  Trust me, as Moderators we have tried on numerous occasions to have it removed!


The best way to reply (and I think you used this method with your last post) is to move down to the white box at the bottom of the screen and press the Green Button when you have entered your text.


(I have removed your original reply)

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